Communication-Communication Systems(Date:2002/06/20)



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[Paper #]
Measurements of UHF Band Radio Propagation in Outdoor Environments by use of TV Broadcasting Wave

Kenji TAKATA,  Masahiro NISHI,  Teruaki YOSHIDA,  

[Paper #]CS2002-22
Two-way Multimedia Satellite Communications System : Suitable for Educational Networks among Schools

Keiko KIKUCHI,  Yasunori YAMASHITA,  Katsuhisa UNO,  Katsuhiko KAWAZOE,  Hiroshi KAZAMA,  

[Paper #]CS2002-23
Application of the Modified Cosine Roll-off Spectrum to Microwave Communication Systems

Noriaki Ishida,  Satoshi Kurosawa,  

[Paper #]CS2002-24
A Study of Phase Modulator with new Raised-Cosine Pulse

Katsuya KITADA,  Noboru KUSAMA,  Masahiro AKIYAMA,  Takashi NAKAGAWA,  Noriko SATOU,  

[Paper #]CS2002-25
Performance of Low-Density Parity-Check (LDPC) Code with Normalized BP-based Algorithm on Fast and Slow Fading Channels

Akinori OHASHI,  Tomoaki OHTSUKI,  

[Paper #]CS2002-26
A Study on Subcarrier Frequency Allocation for Home Infrared Wireless Communications

Norio KITAMOTO,  Tomoaki OHTSUKI,  

[Paper #]CS2002-27
Multiple-Subcarrier Optical Communication Systems with Subcarrier Signal Point Sequence

Shota TERAMOTO,  Tomoaki OHTSUKI,  

[Paper #]CS2002-28
Direct-Detection Optical CDMA Receiver with Interference Estimation and Double Optical Hardlimiters

Kenji WAKAFUJI,  Tomoaki OHTSUKI,  

[Paper #]CS2002-29
A Study on Performance Degradation of Ultra Wide Band Impulse Radio Caused by Imperfect Power Control

Tetsuo TSUJIOKA,  Hisayoshi SUGIYAMA,  Masashi MURATA,  

[Paper #]CS2002-30


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