Communication-Communication Systems(Date:2000/11/08)



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Simultaneous recovery of WDM optical clock using supercontinuum in a highly nonlinear fiber

F Futami,  S Watanabe,  T Chikama,  

[Paper #]OCS2000-63 : OPE2000-80 : LQE2000-72
1000 channel optical carrier generation from a single supercontinuum source with 12.5 GHz channel spacing for DWDM and frequency standards

H Takara,  T Ohara,  K Mori,  K Sato,  E Yamada,  Y Inoue,  T Shibata,  M Abe,  T Morioka,  K-I Sato,  

[Paper #]OCS2000-64 : OPE2000-81 : LQE2000-73
Virtual Concatenation Scheme over Optical Paths and Applications

Katsuhiro Shimano,  Naohide Nagatsu,  Satoru Okamoto,  

[Paper #]OCS2000-65 : OPE2000-82 : LQE2000-74
Suppression of degradation induced by SPM/XPM+GVD in WDM transmission using a bit-synchronous intensity modulated DPSK signal

T Miyano,  M Fukutoku,  K Hattori,  H Ono,  

[Paper #]OCS2000-66 : OPE2000-83 : LQE2000-75
Multimode-fiber transmission characteristics and mode characteristics of a VCSEL coupled with a fiber Bragg grating

Toru Mizunami,  Takahito Hamada,  Takashi Yamamoto,  

[Paper #]OCS2000-67 : OPE2000-84 : LQE2000-76
6.4Tb/s(160 x 40Gb/s)-186km WDMtransmission experiment using polarization multiplexing and demultiplexing

Toshiharu ITO,  Kiyoshi FUKUCHI,  Kayato SEKIYA,  Daisaku OGASAHARA,  Risato OHHIRA,  Takashi ONO,  

[Paper #]OCS2000-68 : OPE2000-85 : LQE2000-77
2.11 Tbit/s WDM transmission experiment over 7, 221km using distributed Ramam amplifier and erbium-doped-fiber amplifier

N Shimojoh,  T Tanaka,  T Naito,  H Nakamoto,  T Ueki,  

[Paper #]OCS2000-69 : OPE2000-86 : LQE2000-78
A Study of Modulation Formats in 20 Gbit/s×50 WDM Transmission over 4, 000km

Kazuyuki Ishida,  Kaoru Kinjo,  Satoshi Kajiya,  Takashi Sugihara,  Naoki Suzuki,  Katsuhiro Shimizu,  Yukio Kobayashi,  

[Paper #]OCS2000-70 : OPE2000-87 : LQE2000-79
Conditions for Measuring Nonlinear Refractive Index of Various Single-Mode Fibers using SPM method

Kazuhide Nakajima,  Takuya Omae,  Masaharu Ohashi,  

[Paper #]OCS2000-71 : OPE2000-88 : LQE2000-80
Full-Vectorial Analysis on Field Distributions of Higher-Order Mode(EH_11)in Optical Fiber

Michiko MOMODA,  Tokuo MIYAMOTO,  Kiyotoshi YASUMOTO,  

[Paper #]OCS2000-72 : OPE2000-89 : LQE2000-81
Active Gain-slop Compensation of EDFA Using Thulium-doped Fiber as Saturable Absorber

T Kitabayashi,  T Aizawa,  T Sakai,  A Wada,  

[Paper #]OCS2000-73 : OPE-2000-90 : LQE2000-82
Design of broadband Ramam amplifiers pumped and gain-equalized by multi-channel WDM laser diodes

Yoshihiro Emori,  Shun-ichi Mataushita,  Shu Namiki,  

[Paper #]OCS2000-74 : OPE-2000-91 : LQE2000-83
Wavelength Tunable Fiber Laser operating at 1.55μm band using Ce~3+ : Er~3+ : ZBLAN

K Fukue,  J Kamebayashi,  Z Meng,  M Higashihata,  Y Nakata,  T Okada,  M Maeda,  Y Kubota,  N Nishumura,  Takuya T,  

[Paper #]OCS2000-75 : OPE-2000-92 : LQE2000-84
Jitter and Stability Analysis of an Actively Mode-Locked Dispersion-Managed Fiber Laser

Waiyapot Suttawassuntorn,  Masayuki Matsumoto,  

[Paper #]OCS2000-76 : OPE-2000-93 : LQE2000-85
New scanning technique of optical pathlength for long depth Optical Coherence Tomography

Youhei Moritani,  Tatsuo Shiina,  Masafumi Ito,  Yasuyuki Okamura,  

[Paper #]OCS2000-77 : OPE-2000-94 : LQE2000-86


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