Communication-Communication Systems(Date:2000/02/19)



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Performance Measurement of an IP-Over-Ethernet-Based Ultrahigh-Speed Wireless LAN Prototype

Masugi INOUE,  Gang WU,  Yoshihiro HASE,  

[Paper #]SST99-96,ITS99-92,A・P99-218,RCS99-238,MW99-258
Measurements of Vehicle Mobility Characteristics with Application to Teletraffic Estimation of Cellular Communication Systems

Hirotoshi HIDAKA,  Kazuyoshi SAITOH,  Noriteru SHINAGAWA,  Takehiko KOBAYASHI,  

[Paper #]SST99-97,ITS99-93,A・P99-219,RCS99-239,MW99-259
Local information and positioning system applying pico Cell structure(1)

Eisuke KUDOH,  Tomoaki OGAWA,  Daisei Uchida,  Toru OTSU,  Shuji KUBOTA,  

[Paper #]SST99-98,ITS99-94,A・P99-220,RCS99-240,MW99-260
Local information and positioning system applying pico cell Structure(2)

Akinori SHIBUYA,  Masashi NAKATSUGAWA,  Eisuke KUDOH,  Toru OTSU,  Shuji KUBOTA,  

[Paper #]SST99-99,ITS99-95,A・P99-221,RCS99-241,MW99-26l
Laboratory Experiments on Coherent Rake Receiver Using Fast Transmit Power Control in Broadband DS-CDMA Mobile Radio

Takehiro Ikeda,  Koichi Okawa,  Mamoru Sawahashi,  Fumiyuki Adachi,  

[Paper #]SST99-100,ITS99-96,A・P99-222,RCS99-242,MW99-262
Modeling of Multimedia Services in Cellular Systems and its Application to System Performance Evaluation

Daisuke Kitazawa,  Hiroyuki Yomo,  Shinsuke Hara,  

[Paper #]SST99-101,ITS99-97,A・P99-223,RCS99-243,MW99-263
On the Self-Similar Nature of Multimedia Traffic in Cellular Systems

Michifumi Miyashita,  Shinsuke Hara,  

[Paper #]SST99-102,ITS99-98,A・P99-224,RCS99-244,MW99-264
Fixation of the Number of DCT Coefficients for Compressed Image Transmission over a CDMA system

Tomonori NAKAMURA,  Takashi KASAI,  Yukitoshi SANADA,  Kiyomichi ARAKI,  

[Paper #]SST99-103,ITS99-99,A・P99-225,RCS99-245,MW99-265
Throughput Performance of CDMA Unslotted ALOHA using MMSE Multi-user Receiver

Hiraku OKADA,  Peter M. GRANT,  Ian W. BAND,  Akira OGAWA,  

[Paper #]SST99-104,ITS99-100,A・P99-26,RCS99-246,MW99-266
Propagation Characteristics at 60 GHz on the Road for ITS Inter-Vehicle Communications

Akihito KATO,  katsuyoshi SATO,  Masayuki FUJISE,  

[Paper #]SST99-105,ITS99-101,A・P99-227,RCS99-247,MW99-267
Multi-Frequency FM-CW Radar for Reducing Frequency Interference caused by Multi-User

Nobuyoshi FUJIMOTO,  Masao NAKAGAWA,  

[Paper #]SST99-106,ITS99-102,A・P99-228,RCS99-248,MW99-268
Inter-Vehicle Communication System Combined Directional Communication System with Omni-Directional Communication System

Nobuteru AKASHI,  Masao NAKAGAWA,  

[Paper #]SST99-107,ITS99-103,A・P99-229,RCS99-249,MW99-269
Synchronization Acquisition Algorithms for ITS Vehicle-to-vehicle Communications

Katsuyoshi NAKA,  Ren SAKATA,  Hidekazu MURATA,  Susumu YOSHIDA,  

[Paper #]SST99-108,ITS99-104,A・P99-230,RCS99-250,MW99-270
A Study on Inter-Vehicle Communication Token Protocol for ITS


[Paper #]SST99-109,ITS99-105,A・P99-231,RCS99-251,MW99-271
Proposal for Multimedia Lane & Station Application for ITS Road-to-Vehicle Communication System

Fumihide KOJIMA,  Kiyohito TOKUDA,  Masahiro WATANABE,  Masayuki FUJISE,  

[Paper #]SST99-110,ITS99-106,A・P99-232,RCS99-252,MW99-272
Study on system concepts for multiple service wireless communications based on ROF

Masayuki FUJISE,  

[Paper #]SST99-111,ITS99-107,A・P99-233,RCS99-253,MW99-273


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