Communication-Communication Systems(Date:1999/10/21)



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[Paper #]
Throughput and Capacity Analysis of a DS-CDMA System with Integrated Services

Jie Zhou,  Yoshikuni Onozato,  Ushio Yamamoto,  

[Paper #]CS99-97
An Implementation of CDMA based On Board Switch for Many to Many Connection by Code Division Switching Method

Haris Hasanudin,  Yoshikuni Onozato,  Ushio Yamamoto,  

[Paper #]CS99-98
A Study on Center Location Method in Center-based Multicast

Norio Igarashi,  Ushio Yamamoto,  Yoshikuni Onozato,  

[Paper #]CS99-99
Input-Output Grouping for Cell Scheduling Algorithm in Nonblocking Switching System

Sakchai Thipchaksurat,  Yoshikuni Onozato,  Ushio Yamamoto,  

[Paper #]CS99-100
A Note on the Handover Control Method for various mobile speeds in Wireless ATM Networks

Michihiro Inoue,  Yoshikuni Onozato,  Ushio Yamamoto,  

[Paper #]CS99-101
A Study on Data Transmission Schemes for Mobile LEO Satellite Communication with Shadowing

Yoshitomo ISHIJIMA,  Shigeru SHIMAMOTO,  

[Paper #]CS99-102
0utline of the SCS Transportable VSAT Terminal

Kiyohiro YUKI,  Kimio KONDO,  Yuji SUGIMOTO,  Kikuo ASAI,  Noritaka OSAWA,  Kazuya MARUYAMA,  

[Paper #]CS99-103
Mobile satellite communication experiments in Ka and MM-wave bands using COMETS

Haruo SAITO,  Shinichi YAMAMOTO,  Huan-Bang LI,  Noriaki OBARA,  Hiromitsu WAKANA,  Masato TANAKA,  

[Paper #]CS99-104
Ka-band Aeronautical Satellite Communications Experiments using COMETS

Amane MIURA,  Shinichi YAMAMOTO,  Huan-Bang Li,  Masato TANAKA,  Hiromitsu WAKANA,  

[Paper #]CS99-105
COMETS 21 GHz advanced satellite broadcasting experiments

Mitsugu Ohkawa,  Takashi Takahashi,  Huan-Bang Li,  Kyouichi Iigusa,  Hiromitsu Wakana,  

[Paper #]CS99-106
A study on SIR weighting Combining Diversity with Matched filter

Fumaiki MAEHARA,  Fumio TAKAHATA,  

[Paper #]CS99-107
Code Division Methods for Wireless Communication

Yoshikuni Onozato,  

[Paper #]CS99-108


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