Communication-Communication Systems(Date:1998/07/24)



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[Paper #]
Connection between Multiplex-port Brouters in Regional PC Communication System

Yoshiyuki Monma,  Kazunari Irie,  Norihisa Ohta,  

[Paper #]DSP98-59,SST98-17,CS98-55
Weight Control Scheme of Adaptive Array Antennas in CDMA Systems

Akihito MORIMOTO,  Masaaki KATAYAMA,  Takaya YAMAZATO,  Akira OGAWA,  

[Paper #]DSP98-60,SST98-18,CS98-56
Derivation of Convergence Condition for the Simultaneous Perturbation Optimization Method Applied to Adaptive Filter

Yoshinobu KAJIKAWA,  Yasuo NOMURA,  

[Paper #]DSP98-61,SST98-19,CS98-57
Proposition of an Estimation Method for the Feedback Control Filter Coefficients

Kensaku FUJII,  Mitsuji MUNEYASU,  Juro OHGA,  

[Paper #]DSP98-62,SST98-20,CS98-58
A Neural Filter Suitable for the Power Variation of Input Signal

Kazuhide YANASAKA,  Fumitaka SEKI,  Yoshinobu KAJIKAWA,  Yasuo NOMURA,  

[Paper #]DSP98-63,SST98-21,CS98-59
A Study on the Applicability of Chaotic Quantized Sequences with Synchronized Bits for SS code

Shigeki AOKI,  Kazuhiko YAMADA,  Yasuyuki NOSE,  Itsuo SASAKI,  Kazuhiro AOKI,  

[Paper #]DSP98-64,SST98-22,CS98-60
A Generating Method of Codes for Code Division Multiple Access by Using Composed Mapping of Chaos

Yasuyuki NOSE,  Kazuhiko YAMADA,  Shigeki AOKI,  Itsuo SASAKI,  Masako SATO,  

[Paper #]DSP98-65,SST98-23,CS98-61
A New Acquisition Scheme of DS/SS Signals using Space Diversity Techniques

Youhei IKAI,  Masaaki KATAYAMA,  Takaya YAMAZATO,  Akira OGAWA,  

[Paper #]DSP98-66,SST98-24,CS98-62
A Study on Multi-tone Combinatory Fast Frequency Hopping/MFSK System


[Paper #]DSP98-67,SST98-25,CS98-63
A Multicode Sence CDMA Inter-vehicle Communication Network Using Successive Interference Cancellation

Tomotaka NAGAOSA,  Takaaki HASEGAWA,  

[Paper #]DSP98-68,SST98-26,CS98-64
A Spread Slotted ALOHA/CDMA System with Hybrid ARQ for Satellite Multiple Access

Osvaldo A. GONZALEZ,  Ryuji KOHNO,  

[Paper #]DSP98-69,SST98-27,CS98-65
Spreading Sequences for variable processing gain CDMA System

Atsushi UTSUNOMIYA,  Ryuji KOHNO,  

[Paper #]DSP98-70,SST98-28,CS-98-66
High Speed and Low Power Current-Cut Switched Current Matched Filter : Circuit Design and Chip Fabrication

K. Masu,  T. Koishi,  K. Kubota,  K. Tsubouchi,  T. Sunaga,  

[Paper #]DSP98-71,SST98-29,CS98-67
A Study on DS/CDMA using different carrier frequencies

Kazuya TSUJI,  Shigenobu SASAKI,  Hisakazu KIKUCHI,  Gen MARUBAYASHI,  

[Paper #]DSP98-72,SST98-30,CS98-68


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