Communication-Communication Systems(Date:1996/08/08)



[Paper #]


[Paper #]
1.9GHz Band Radio Propagation Characteristics in a Campus Environment : Tree Attenuation Prediction using a Loss Layer Model

Tokio TAGA,  Shinichi ICHITSUBO,  Yasutaka OGAWA,  Kiyohiko ITOH,  

[Paper #]RCS-96-52
Performance of an Adaptive Array in the Presence of Multipath Waves beyond Degrees of Freedom in the Pattern

Hiroki YAGI,  Yasutaka OGAWA,  Takeo OHGANE,  Kiyohiko ITOH,  

[Paper #]RCS-96-53
BER Characteristics of an Adaptive Array Base Station under Multiple Co-Channel Interference

Yoshihisa KATOH,  Takeo OHGANE,  Yasutaka OGAWA,  Kiyohiko ITOH,  

[Paper #]RCS-96-54
A Study on Joint Processing of an Adaptive Array and an MLSE for Frequency-selective Fading Channels

Masaaki Fujii,  

[Paper #]RCS-96-55
The Peformance of the High Gain Interference Canceller Combining Adaptive Array and MLSE When Number of Antenna Elements Is Smaller Than That of Signals

Yoshiharu Doi,  Takeo Ohgane,  

[Paper #]RCS-96-56
Co-channel Interference Reduction Method using CMA Adaptive Array

Hiroshi FURUKAWA,  Yukiyoshi KAMIO,  Hideichi SASAOKA,  

[Paper #]RCS-96-57
Performance Analysis of Priority-Dependent Slotted Nonpersistent CSMA with an Adaptive Array

Tsugunao Kobayashi,  Akira Sugihara,  Kei Enomoto,  Iwao Sasase,  

[Paper #]RCS-96-58
Hybrid Contention/Reservation Channel-Access Schemes for Integrated Voice/Data Wireless Networks


[Paper #]RCS-96-59
Convolutional Coded Generalized Nonlinear Continuous Phase Modulation

Ken-ichiro Shinoi,  Gunawan Wibisono,  Iwao Sasase,  

[Paper #]RCS-96-60
Performance of Trellis-coded HFPSK Scheme in a Fading Channel with Cochannel Interference

Satoru HISHIYA,  Koji SHIBATA,  Atsushi NAKAGAKI,  

[Paper #]RCS-96-61
Adaptive Algorithms for Constrained Minimum Output Power Criteria and Its Performance in Interference Cancellers

Hiroshi Suzuki,  Kazuhiko Fukawa,  

[Paper #]RCS-96-62
Implementation of Interference Canceling Equalizer (ICE) and Its Performance in Mobile Communication

Hitoshi Yoshino,  Hiroshi Suzuki,  

[Paper #]RCS-96-63
Exact Analysis of State Error Probability for Viterbi Decoding with Hard Decision

Hideki YOSHIKAWA,  Ikuo OKA,  Chikato FUJIWARA,  

[Paper #]RCS-96-64
A New Concatenated FEC Scheme for Wireless ATM Systems

Takatoshi Sugiyama,  Masahiro Umehira,  

[Paper #]RCS-96-65


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