Communication-Communication Systems(Date:1994/07/18)



[Paper #]


[Paper #]
Controlled Complementary-Places Petri Nets and Forbidden Marking Problems

Wooi Voon Chang,  Toshimitsu Ushio,  Shigemasa Takai,  Sadatoshi Kumagai,  Shinzo Kodama,  

[Paper #]CST94-10
An Efficient Verification Method for Discrete Event Systems using Binary Decision Diagrams

Minoru Nakano,  Kunihiko Hiraishi,  

[Paper #]CST94-11
Issues on Models and Tools for Supporting Computer Supported Cooperative Works

Koichiro Ochimizu,  

[Paper #]CST94-12
Recent Topics on Supervisory Control of Discrete Event Systems

Toshimitsu Ushio,  

[Paper #]CST94-13
Concurrent System Control based on Multi-layered State Machine Model

Tomohiro Murata,  

[Paper #]CST94-14
A Framework on Structual Liveness for General Petri Nets

Tadashi Matsumoto,  Shinichi Yamazaki,  

[Paper #]CST94-15


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