Communication-Antennas and Propagation(Date:2012/02/02)



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[Paper #]
Estimation Method for Over-Reach Propagation of Terrestrial Digital Broadcastings using FM Radio Waves

Hiroki KOMORI,  Yosuke HARADA,  Koichi SHIN,  Masahiro NISHI,  Teruaki YOSHIDA,  

[Paper #]A・P2011-185
Study on Over-reach Propagation of Terrestrial Digital Broadcastings by Measuring Reception Qualities

Tomoya TSUBOSHIMA,  Koji TAKAHASHI,  Koichi SHIN,  Masahiro NISHI,  Teruaki YOSHIDA,  

[Paper #]A・P2011-186
Evaluation of Fundamental Characteristics of Wireless Terminal Authentication Scheme Based on Radio Propagation Characteristics

Naoki OTANI,  Hisato IWAI,  Hideichi SASAOKA,  

[Paper #]A・P2011-187
A Study of Switching Methods for an Adaptive Array with a Single Receiver Using Time-Division Multiplexing

Ken-ichi KOGA,  Nobuyoshi KIKUMA,  Hiroshi HIRAYAMA,  Kunio SAKAKIBARA,  Tatsuya KOIKE,  Hiroaki IWASHITA,  Yoshiyuki MIZUNO,  

[Paper #]A・P2011-188
Base Station Cooperation in Single Carrier MIMO Cellular System with Tapped Delay Line Structure


[Paper #]A・P2011-189
Measurement of Diversity Antennas for Digital Terrestrial Television in Indoor Environment

Yu TAKEDA,  Qiang CHEN,  Kunio SAWAYA,  Tomohiro MOGI,  

[Paper #]A・P2011-190
Relation between Elements of Impedance Matrix of Dipoles

Kyoichi IIKUSA,  Hiroshi HARADA,  

[Paper #]A・P2011-191
Band Diagram Analysis of 2-D EBG structure Composed of Drude Type Frequency-Dependent Material

Amin Gul HANIF,  Toru UNO,  Takuji ARIMA,  

[Paper #]A・P2011-192
An experimental consideration on the effect of external IM-sources in antenna PIM measurements

Kohei TAKADA,  Nobuhiro KUGA,  Keizo CHO,  

[Paper #]A・P2011-193
Reduction Method for Influence of Measurement Cable on Small Antenna

Toru FUKASAWA,  Takashi YANAGI,  Hiroaki MIYASHITA,  Yoshihiko KONISHI,  

[Paper #]A・P2011-194
Loss Reduction by Air-Region Insertion to LTCC Rectangular-Waveguide Slot Array Antenna in the Millimeter-Wave Band

Yuanfeng SHE,  Jiro HIROKAWA,  Makoto ANDO,  Daisuke HANATANI,  Masahiro FUJIMOTO,  

[Paper #]A・P2011-195
Estimation and measurement of Cylindrical wave propagation in Honeycomb for the use in mm-wave RLSA

Rushanthi Sachithra Jayawardene,  Tung Xuan Nguyen,  Yasutomo Takano,  Kimio Sakurai,  Takuichi Hirano,  Jiro Hirokawa,  Makoto Ando,  Osamu Amano,  Takaomi Matsuzaki,  Shuichi Koreeda,  

[Paper #]A・P2011-196
Beam Steering Experiments on a 60-GHz Band Dipole Array Antenna

Satoshi YOSHIDA,  Yuya SUZUKI,  Shoichi TANIFUJI,  Suguru KAMEDA,  Noriharu SUEMATSU,  Tadashi TAKAGI,  Kazuo TSUBOUCHI,  

[Paper #]A・P2011-197
Improvement of Object Recognition in Passive Millimeter-wave Imaging Using Cooling Tube with Parabolic Reflector

Kohei KURIYAMA,  Hiroyasu SATO,  Kunio SAWAYA,  

[Paper #]A・P2011-198


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