Communication-Ad Hoc Networks(Date:2000/09/07)



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[Paper #]
Experimental Measurement of Propagation Parameters for CDMA Terrestrial Cellular Telephones of Hierarchical Cell Structure : Pico-cell Deployment of an Indoor Mimic Base Station

Takeshi Hara,  Shigeru Kabata,  Kouichi Mutsuura,  Yasuaki Kinoshita,  

[Paper #]SANE2000-47
A Study of the Methodology on the Improvement of Receiving Accuracy of Calling Signals for Mobile Satellite Communications(Part2)

Kazuo Yagi,  Kouichi Takano,  Hideo Mitsumoto,  Shigetoshi Yoshimoto,  

[Paper #]SANE2000-48
OFDM signal transmission characteristics on a satellite model

Kouichi Takano,  Shin-ichi Yamamoto,  Hideo Mitsumoto,  Shigetoshi Yoshimoto,  Shoichiro Sakai,  Shuusuke Ichihashi,  Naokazu Hamamoto,  

[Paper #]SANE2000-49
Space mobile accelerated by variable momentum of inertia.

Yoshizo Hagino,  

[Paper #]SANE2000-50
Observation of Antarctic upper atmosphere with Laser Radar technique

Takuya D. Kawahara,  Akio Nomura,  

[Paper #]SANE2000-51
Eyesafe Laser Radar for Aircraft Detection used for the Satellite Laser Ranging

Hiroo Kunimori,  Futaba Katsuo,  Jun Amagai,  Leigh Dahl,  

[Paper #]SANE2000-52
A study on radar SCR evaluation

Susumu Miwa,  Akihiko Saito,  Satoshi Kouya,  Nobuyuki Kaku,  

[Paper #]SANE2000-53
Adaptive Clutter Suppression Using Combination of Plural Notch Filters

Takashi SEKIGUCHI,  Takahiko FUJISAKA,  

[Paper #]SANE2000-54
A Variable γ H∞ Filter for a Maneuvering Target under Clutter Environments

Masataka Hashirao,  Tetsuya Kawase,  Iwao Sasase,  

[Paper #]SANE2000-55
The Multisensor Tracking System with the Airborne Sensor to Mitigate the Effect of Cross-Range Errors

Daisuke Kawamoto,  Tetsuya Kawase,  Masataka Hashirao,  Iwao Sasase,  

[Paper #]SANE2000-56
A necessary and sufficient condition of the satability and the minimum steady state variance of an α-β-γ filter

Yoshio KOSUGE,  Masayoshi ITO,  

[Paper #]SANE2000-57
A Study on the Optimal Rendezvous Docking Control of HOPE

Fumiaki IMADO,  

[Paper #]SANE2000-58


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