Information and Systems-Pattern Recognition and Media Understanding(Date:2011/11/17)

大規模手書き文字認識 : ネットワーク解析に見る文字パターン分布(テーマセッション,実世界文字認識と理解)


[Paper #]PRMU2011-117
Discriminant performance of a method of distinguish between handwritten and machine-printed character regions using Hough transform

Yuuya KONNO,  Akira HIROSE,  

[Paper #]PRMU2011-118
Person Re-identification Algorithms(A Survey)

Yoshihisa IJIIR,  Yasutomo KAWANISHI,  Michihiko MINOH,  Hiroshi MURASE,  

[Paper #]PRMU2011-119
Face recognition based on separable lattice 2-D HMMs with variational Bayesian method

Kei SAWADA,  Akira TAMAMORI,  Kei HASHIMOTO,  Yoshihiko NANKAKU,  Keiichi TOKUDA,  

[Paper #]PRMU2011-120
Face recognition based on hidden conditional random fields using structure of separable lattice HMMs

Keisuke KUMAKI,  Yoshihiko NANKAKU,  Keiichi TOKUDA,  

[Paper #]PRMU2011-121
Region Segmentation with Vector Flow and Disparity Map

Hiroko TSUCHIDA,  Yoshihiro SUGAYA,  Shinichiro OMACHI,  

[Paper #]PRMU2011-122
Accuracy Enhancement in Automatic Video Segmentation based on Graph-Cut using the SURF features

Satomi KUDO,  Hisashi KOGA,  Takanori YOKOYAMA,  Toshinori WATANABE,  

[Paper #]PRMU2011-123


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