Information and Systems-Neurocomputing(Date:2015/06/23)

Repulsive parallel MCMC algorithm for discovering diverse motifs from large sequence sets.

Hisaki Ikebata(SOKENDAI),  Ryo Yoshida(ISM),  

[Paper #]IBISML2015-19
[Invited Talk] Deep Convolutional Neural Network Neocognitron and its Advances

Kunihiko Fukushima(FLSI),  

[Paper #]NC2015-3,IBISML2015-20
Learning of dynamic binary neural networks based on the simple feature quantity

Ryuji Sato(HU),  Toshimichi Saito(HU),  

[Paper #]NC2015-9
Evolutionary learning of hysteresis neural networks

Kei Yamaoka(HU),  Toshimichi Saito(HU),  

[Paper #]NC2015-10
A Study of GMPIA

Tsuneo Sawa(YKI),  

[Paper #]IBISML2015-26
Influence of visual stimulus brightness on motor learning of oculomotor neural integrator

Kohei Urase(Chubu Univ.),  Shuntaro Miki(Chubu Univ.),  Yutaka Hirata(Chubu Univ.),  

[Paper #]NC2015-6
e-Bagging: The Information Geometric Dual of Breiman's Bagging

Naoki Hamada(Fujitsu Labs.),  Hiroyuki Higuchi(Fujitsu Labs.),  Katsumi Homma(Fujitsu Labs.),  

[Paper #]IBISML2015-23
Prediction of the opening weekend box office results

Masashi Okazaki(Univ Ryukyus),  Ryuichiro Nagasaka(Tokyo Tech),  Ryota Miyata(Univ Ryukyus),  

[Paper #]IBISML2015-24
Statistical and information-theoretical analysis of the sumo wrestling tournament

Shoukei Gushiken(Univ Ryukyus),  Ryota Miyata(Univ Ryukyus),  

[Paper #]IBISML2015-25
Online Density Estimation of Bradley-Terry Models

Issei Matsumoto(Toyota),  Kohei Hatano(Kyushu U.),  Eiji Takimoto(Kyushu U.),  

[Paper #]IBISML2015-21
Estimation of Axonal Growth Inhibitors and Reagent Permeability

Haruka Kakizaki(Aichi Pref Univ),  Yuki Maruno(NAIST),  Kazushi Ikeda(NAIST),  Yuichi Sakumura(Aichi Pref Univ),  

[Paper #]NC2015-7
A Motor Control-Learning Model for Reaching Movements in 3-Dimensional Space

Hiroyuki Kambara(Tokyo Tech.),  Toshihiro Kawase(Tokyo Tech.),  Duk Shin(Tokyo Tech.),  Natsue Yoshimura(Tokyo Tech.),  Yasuharu Koike(Tokyo Tech.),  

[Paper #]NC2015-11
An LSI Implementation of a Neural Network Model for Detecting Local Image Motion in the Visual Cortex

Hisanao Akima(Tohoku Univ.),  Satoshi Moriya(Tohoku Univ.),  Susumu Kawakami(*),  Masafumi Yano(Tohoku Univ.),  Koji Nakajima(*),  Masao Sakuraba(Tohoku Univ.),  Shigeo Sato(Tohoku Univ.),  

[Paper #]NC2015-4
Evaluation of the role of ipsi-lateral feedback and commissural inhibition in the bilateral neuronal circuit of oculomotor neural integrator

Keiichiro Inagaki(Chubu Univ.),  Yutaka Hirata(Chubu Univ.),  

[Paper #]NC2015-5
Computational Complexity Reduction for Functional Connectivity Estimation in Large Scale Neural Network

JeongHun Baek(Kyoto Univ.),  Shigeyuki Oba(Kyoto Univ.),  Junichiro Yoshimoto(OIST),  Kenji Doya(OIST),  Shin Ishii(Kyoto Univ.),  

[Paper #]IBISML2015-22
A study on prediction of contact force between a large DoFs robot with backdrivability and a soft object

Yuya Okadome(Osaka Univ.),  Yutaka Nakamura(Osaka Univ.),  Yoshihiro Nakata(Osaka Univ.),  Hiroshi Ishiguro(Osaka Univ.),  

[Paper #]NC2015-8
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