Information and Systems-Educational Technology(Date:2004/12/11)

Design and Evaluation of a Class Support System for a Cellular Phone

Noriyuki MATSUDA,  Masato IIDA,  Hirokazu MIURA,  Fumitaka UCHIO,  Atsushi NAITOH,  Yoshihiro KITAMURA,  Michiyori MIAKE,  Hirokazu TAKI,  

[Paper #]ET2004-91
Study on the user interface of a distance learning system of Japanese with feedback of utterance evaluation

Ayumi UENO,  Kouki OKADA,  Kousuke UMEDA,  Yuhei NAKASHIMA,  Kimiko YAMAKAWA,  Yoshifumi CHISHAKI,  Tsuyosji USAGAWA,  

[Paper #]ET2004-92
Development of a drawing history analyzer for Repeat-Playable-Drawing System "Polka"

Toshihiro HAYASHI,  Taichi MICHINO,  Shin'ichi MINAMI,  Hayashi NAKAYAMA,  

[Paper #]ET2004-93
An e-Learning Lecture Material Authoring System for University Education

Jun'ichi HIGUCHI,  Shunsuke ARAKI,  Ken'ichi KAKIZAKI,  

[Paper #]ET2004-94


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