Engineering Sciences/NOLTA-Information and Communication Technologies for Safe and Secure Life(Date:2021/01/28)

A study of stock price prediction method using LSTM Neural Network

Kousuke Kato(SIT),  Fuya Kaneda(SIT),  Kazuya Ozawa(SIT),  Kaito Isogai(SIT),  Hideaki Okazaki(SIT),  

[Paper #]CAS2020-57,ICTSSL2020-42
On numerical approximated solutions of state equations for a multirotor using a LSTM NN

MoYong Hong(Shonan Inst. Tech),  ZhiHui He(Shonan Inst. Tech),  Cheng Wang(Shonan Inst. Tech),  Kazuya Ozawa(Shonan Inst. Tech),  Kaito Isogai(Shonan Inst. Tech),  Hideaki Okazaki(Shonan Inst. Tech),  

[Paper #]CAS2020-58,ICTSSL2020-43
Day and night imaging of irrigation canals and rivers using a semiconductor microbolometer array

Yuxuan Wang(Akita Univ.),  Naoshi Eshita(Akita Univ.),  Yuta Miura(Akita Univ.),  Tsubasa Saito(Akita Univ.),  Yuichi Sato(Akita Univ.),  

[Paper #]CAS2020-70,ICTSSL2020-55
Imaging and recognition by various infrared sensors of snow accretion when the LED traffic light is on and off and day and night

Yuta Miura(Akita Univ.),  Hiroki Kawasaki(Akita Univ.),  Yuxuan Wang(Akita Univ.),  Tsubasa Saito(Akita Univ.),  Yuichi Sato(Akita Univ.),  

[Paper #]CAS2020-71,ICTSSL2020-56
Three sound sources separation using complex weighted sum circuits with two microphones

Yoshiki Kikuchi(Tokyo Denki),  Kenji Suyama(Tokyo Denki),  

[Paper #]CAS2020-63,ICTSSL2020-48
Reproduction of Japanese drumming rhythm by Deep Neural Network(DNN)

Kazumi Okamoto(Chuo Univ.),  Hiroshi Tamura(Chuo Univ.),  

[Paper #]CAS2020-69,ICTSSL2020-54
Resonant Waves Formed by Using Reflect Waves Generated with Electromagnetic Waves

Nobuo Nagai(Hokkaido Univ.),  Hirofumi Sanada(HUS),  Takashi Yahagi(RISP),  

[Paper #]CAS2020-65,ICTSSL2020-50
Consideration of Switching by Chaotic Neurodynamics for Asymmetric TSPs by using Hidden Markov Model

Tomoya Matsuno(Shonan Inst. of Tech.),  Toshihiro Tachibana(Shonan Inst. of Tech.),  Masaharu Adachi(Tokyo Denki Univ.),  

[Paper #]CAS2020-59,ICTSSL2020-44
A trial and evaluation of RNN approach for lithium-ion battery state of charge estimation

Shintaro Kawase(Ritsumeikan Univ),  Takahiro Shiohara(TDK),  Masahiro Fukui(Ritsumeikan Univ),  

[Paper #]CAS2020-66,ICTSSL2020-51
Study for safe speed and energy efficiency at curved roads

Yudai Yasuda(Ritsumeikan University),  Yudai Tanaka(Ritsumeikan University),  Kazuki Kuraya(Ritsumeikan University),  Masahiro Fukui(Ritsumeikan University),  

[Paper #]CAS2020-67,ICTSSL2020-52
A Study of Initial Value Setting Strategy for Adaptive Extended Kalman Filter

Kento Tsuneda(Rits Univ),  Takahiro Shiohara(Rits Univ),  Masahiro Fukui(Rits Univ),  

[Paper #]CAS2020-68,ICTSSL2020-53
A Study on the matching circuit using transformer

Satoshi Tanaka(Murata),  

[Paper #]CAS2020-62,ICTSSL2020-47
Reducing chip area and improving efficiency of a charge pump by switching the input voltage source and controlling the number of stages

Shunsuke Hironaga(Yamanashi Univ),  Takahide Sato(Yamanashi Univ),  Satomi Ogawa(Yamanashi Univ),  

[Paper #]CAS2020-64,ICTSSL2020-49
[Memorial Lecture] Recent Trend of Quality Enhancement and Assurance of Outcomes-based Education in Electronics, Information and Communication Engineering, and Related Field

Mitsunori Makino(Chuo Univ.),  

[Paper #]CAS2020-61,ICTSSL2020-46
A Method for Solving Traveling Salesman Problems Using Switching of Crossover by Chaotic Neurodynamics

Masayuki Kashiwagi(Shonan Inst. of Tech.),  Tomoki Ishizawa(Shonan Inst. of Tech.),  Toshihiro Tashibana(Shonan Inst. of Tech.),  

[Paper #]CAS2020-60,ICTSSL2020-45
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