Electronics-Lasers and Quantum Electronics(Date:2014/08/14)

High-speed avalanche photodiodes with vertical illumination structure for reliability and stability

Masahiro NADA,  Haruki YOKOYAMA,  Yoshifumi MURAMOTO,  Takuya HOSHI,  Hideaki MATSUZAKI,  

[Paper #]R2014-41,EMD2014-46,CPM2014-61,OPE2014-71,LQE2014-45
A Rear-side Wavelength Monitor for 16-DFB LD Array Tunable Optical Module

Keita MOCHIZUKI,  Hiroshi ARUGA,  

[Paper #]R2014-42,EMD2014-47,CPM2014-62,OPE2014-72,LQE2014-46
A standardization trend for 100G/400G Optical components

Hideki ISONO,  

[Paper #]R2014-43,EMD2014-48,CPM2014-63,OPE2014-73,LQE2014-47
Modularization of 128-Gbps Monolithic Integrated Silicon Optical Modulator

Hiroki ISHIHARA,  Ryokichi MATSUMOTO,  Yasuhiro MASHIKO,  Akira OKA,  Kazuhiro GOI,  Kensuke OGAWA,  

[Paper #]R2014-44,EMD2014-49,CPM2014-64,OPE2014-74,LQE2014-48
Opto-electronic hybrid integrated chip packaging technology for silicon photonic platform using gold-stud bump bonding

Mitsuo USUI,  Kotaro TAKEDA,  Hirooki HIRATA,  Hiroshi FUKUDA,  Tai TSUCHIZAWA,  Hidetaka NISHI,  Rai KOU,  Tatsuro HIRAKI,  Kentaro HONDA,  Masashi NOGAWA,  Koji YAMADA,  Tsuyoshi YAMAMOTO,  

[Paper #]R2014-45,EMD2014-50,CPM2014-65,OPE2014-75,LQE2014-49
Compact High-Responsivity Receiver Optical Sub-Assembly for 100-Gb/s Ethernet by Using Arrayed Waveguide Gratings

Yoshiyuki Doi,  Manabu Oguma,  Masayuki Itoh,  Toshihide Yoshimatsu,  Tetsuichiro Ohno,  Toshikazu Hashimoto,  Ikuo Ogawa,  Eiji Yoshida,  

[Paper #]R2014-46,EMD2014-51,CPM2014-66,OPE2014-76,LQE2014-50
40-Gb/s FPC-based Optical Transceiver with Lens-integration Technique on Small Active-Area-Diameter of Photodiode

Mariko SUGAWARA,  Takashi SHIRAISHI,  Takatoshi YAGISAWA,  Yukito TSUNODA,  Hideki OKU,  Satoshi IDE,  Kazuhiro TANAKA,  

[Paper #]R2014-47,EMD2014-52,CPM2014-67,OPE2014-77,LQE2014-51
Tunable Laser with Unequally Spaced Passive Waveguides for Backside Wavelength Monitor

Yoshifumi SASAHATA,  Keisuke MATSUMOTO,  Takashi NAGIRA,  Hitoshi SAKUMA,  Kazumasa KISHIMOTO,  Masato SUZUKI,  Daisuke SUZUKI,  Yuichiro HORIGUCHI,  Masakazu TAKABAYASHI,  Keita MOCHIZUKI,  Mitsunobu GOTODA,  Hiroshi ARUGA,  Eitaro ISHIMURA,  

[Paper #]R2014-48,EMD2014-53,CPM2014-68,OPE2014-78,LQE2014-52
An Evaluating Method for Fundamental Dynamical Parameters of Objects on a Printed Circuit Board (PCB) (6) : The effect by application time of external force

Shin-ichi WADA,  Keiji KOSHIDA,  Hiroaki KUBOTA,  Koichiro SAWA,  

[Paper #]R2014-49,EMD2014-54,CPM2014-69,OPE2014-79,LQE2014-53
Degradation Phenomenon of Electrical Contacts by a Micro-Sliding Mechanism : The comparison of the evaluated minimal sliding amplitudes

Shin-ichi WADA,  Keiji KOSHIDA,  Hiroaki KUBOTA,  Koichiro SAWA,  

[Paper #]R2014-50,EMD2014-55,CPM2014-70,OPE2014-80,LQE2014-54
Degradation phenomenon of electrical contacts by a micro-sliding mechanism : The comparison of the evaluated minimal sliding amplitudes under some conditions (2)

Keiji KOSHIDA,  Shin-ichi WADA,  Hiroaki KUBOTA,  Koichiro SAWA,  

[Paper #]R2014-51,EMD2014-56,CPM2014-71,OPE2014-81,LQE2014-55
Temperature dependence of load sensing technique using Band-pass filter on fiber-end

Kentaro MATSUDA,  Ryo NAGASE,  

[Paper #]R2014-52,EMD2014-57,CPM2014-72,OPE2014-82,LQE2014-56
Study on loss variation measurement of branched fibers

Takaaki ENDO,  Ryo NAGASE,  

[Paper #]R2014-53,EMD2014-58,CPM2014-73,OPE2014-83,LQE2014-57
Characteristic of PMT (Polymer waveguides connected with MT connector)connector

Motohito TAKEZAKI,  Ryo NAGASE,  

[Paper #]R2014-54,EMD2014-59,CPM2014-74,OPE2014-84,LQE2014-58


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