Communication-Network Systems(Date:2019/11/21)

Efficient Use of Mobile Core Node Resources by Signaling Control Considering IoT Devices

Tomoya Adachi(Osaka Univ.),  Shuya Abe(Osaka Univ.),  Go Hasegawa(Tohoku Univ.),  Masayuki Murata(Osaka Univ.),  

[Paper #]CQ2019-97
Performance Evaluation of Multipath-TCP Congestion Controls in Virtual Wi-Fi System

Jingwei Liu(Chiba Univ.),  Kien Nguyen(Chiba Univ.),  Hiroo Sekiya(Chiba Univ.),  

[Paper #]CQ2019-106
Twilio services analyses and positioning by view of IN services implementation technology.

Yoshihiro Konno(Twilio Japan),  

[Paper #]NS2019-127
A Note on Routing Protocol Utilizing Drones in Delay Tolerant Networks

Katsuyuki Takenaka(TMU),  Kazuya Sakai(TMU),  

[Paper #]NS2019-132
Study on Video Quality Characteristics for AVC, HEVC, VP9, and AV1

Noriko Yoshimura(NTT),  Lebreton Pierre(NTT),  Noritusgu Egi(NTT),  Kazuhisa Yamagishi(NTT),  

[Paper #]CQ2019-101
Designing Content Location for Aggregating FIBs in ICN

Yu Sasaki(Fukuoka Univ.),  Noriaki Kamiyama(Fukuoka Univ.),  

[Paper #]NS2019-133
A survey of response characteristics by wide area network scanning in Japan

Yutaka Ishioka(NTT-AT),  Hiroaki Waki(NTT-AT),  Kazuhito Matsushita(NTT-AT),  Mitsuhiro Ohsaki(NTT-AT),  

[Paper #]NS2019-128
A study on effects of measurement interval on delay characteristics in adaptive aggregation number control

Ryunosuke Sugihara(NIT),  Yuta Okuzawa(NIT),  Takefumi Hiraguri(NIT),  Kenko Ota(NIT),  Hideaki Yoshino(NIT),  

[Paper #]CQ2019-96
Effect of QoS Control for Hand Delivery of Object between Remote Robot Systems with Force Feedback

Qin Qian(NITech),  Yutaka Ishibashi(NITech),  Pingguo Huang(Seijoh Univ),  Yuichiro Tateiwa(NITech),  

[Paper #]CQ2019-100
[Invited Lecture] A Study of Live HTTP Streaming Video Distribution with Multicast Overlay Transmission

Toshihito Fujiwara(NTT),  Tomohiro Taniguchi(NTT),  

[Paper #]CQ2019-102
Performance Evaluation of Multi-Hop Communication on Location-based P2P Network

Takashi Toma(SIT),  Yusuke Shimomura(SIT),  Takumi Miyoshi(SIT),  Olivier Fourmaux(Sorbonne Univ.),  

[Paper #]NS2019-131
Operation Worker Development Method for Autonomous Management Loop

Tomoki Ikegaya(NTT),  Kensuke Takahashi(NTT),  Satoshi Kondoh(NTT),  

[Paper #]ICM2019-26
On Retrieval Order of Statistics Information from OpenFlow Switches to Locate Lossy Links by Network Tomographic Refinement

Takemi Nakamura(kyutech),  Suguru Goto(kyutech),  Masahiro Shibata(kyutech),  Masato Tsuru(kyutech),  

[Paper #]ICM2019-27
Implementation and Evaluation of Zero-Touch Operation System for Recovery Operation of a Large-Scale Cloud Services

Akari Tsuji(NTT Communications),  Yuki Miyazaki(NTTCom Engineering),  Shinsaku Numata(NTT Communications),  Kazukuni Koyama(NTTCom Engineering),  Masakatsu Sawada(NTT Communications),  

[Paper #]ICM2019-28
Transmission scheduling for tandemly-connected sensor networks with non-uniform packet generation rates

Ryosuke Yoshida(Kyutech),  Ryota Kimura(Kyutech),  Masahiro Shibata(Kyutech),  Masato Tsuru(Kyutech),  

[Paper #]CQ2019-98
Proposal of access control scheme for straight routing in drone relay networks

Taisei Hayashi(NIT),  Isamu Shitara(NIT),  Takefumi Hiraguri(NIT),  Tsutomu Mitsui(NIT),  Kentaro Nishimori(Niigata Univ.),  

[Paper #]CQ2019-91
A Consideration of a Method for Management of Migration Traffic in Edge Computing Infrastructure

Hiroaki Yamanaka(NICT),  Yuuichi Teranishi(NICT),  Eiji Kawai(NICT),  Hiroaki Harai(NICT),  

[Paper #]CQ2019-103
Environment Sensing Based on Non-Geotagged Sensor Data

Shigeo Shioda(Chiba Univ.),  Yuto Oohashi(Chiba Univ.),  Shino Shiraki(Chiba Univ.),  

[Paper #]CQ2019-95
An Experimental Study on Congestion Control for Multipath TCP and Conventional TCP

Shiho Haruyama(UEC),  Ryo Yamamoto(UEC),  Satoshi Ohzahata(UEC),  Toshihiko Kato(UEC),  

[Paper #]CQ2019-105
Quality of Service Metrics for Intermittent Communication to Support Remotely Controlled Robotics Devices

Arata Koike(Tokyo Kasei),  Yoshiko Sueda(Meisei),  

[Paper #]CQ2019-99
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