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 Results 1 - 7 of 7  /   
Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
MSS, CAS, IPSJ-AL [detail] 2018-11-13
Shizuoka   Extension of Frequency Logic for Cooperation Analysis of Diverse Data -- Towards Evaluation of Larger Business Process Based on Frequency Logic --
Osamu Takaki (Gunma Univ.) CAS2018-77 MSS2018-53
The previous papers [1,2] presented a formal logic called “Frequency Logic” to represent a change in the frequency of an... [more] CAS2018-77 MSS2018-53
IA, SITE, IPSJ-IOT [detail] 2018-03-06
Tochigi Kinugawa Onsen Hotel Evaluation for application of white list based network switches to hospital network systems
Osamu Takaki (Gunma Univ.), Keigo Uchizumi, Ichiroh Suzuta (ALAXALA Networks Corp.), Kota Torikai, Yuichiro Saito (Gunma Univ.), Tetsuya Sato, Hiroki Endo (Carecom Corp.), Yoshifumi Atarashi (ALAXALA Networks Corp.) SITE2017-73 IA2017-84
It is useful to apply a network switch, which is called a white list switch or WLS, with monitoring and/or filtering fun... [more] SITE2017-73 IA2017-84
CAS, MSS, IPSJ-AL [detail] 2017-11-16
Tokyo   Logic to represent change of event frequency
Osamu Takaki (Gunma Univ.) CAS2017-49 MSS2017-33
The purpose of this paper is to introduce a temporal logic that consists of a formal language and semantics to represent... [more] CAS2017-49 MSS2017-33
MSS, SS 2015-01-27
Tottori   Towards the Development of a Formal Language for Frequency of Events
Osamu Takaki (Gunma Univ.) MSS2014-87 SS2014-51
 [more] MSS2014-87 SS2014-51
MSS, CAS 2012-11-02
Iwate Iwate University Easily understandable and computable representation method of medical quality indicators
Osamu Takaki (JAIST), Izumi Takeuti, Koichi Takahashi, Noriaki Izumi (AIST), Koichiro Murata (Kitasato Univ.), Mitsuru Ikeda (JAIST), Koiti Hasida (AIST)
(To be available after the conference date) [more]
KBSE 2008-07-25
Hokkaido Hokkaido Information Univ. A Study of Terminology Consistency over Heterogeneous Specifications Based on Ontology
Takahiro Seino, Osamu Takaki, Noriaki Izumi, Koiti Hasida (AIST) KBSE2008-20
We have implemented a tool to check whether the reference relationship between delivarables is consistent and experience... [more] KBSE2008-20
SS, KBSE 2007-04-19
Fukushima Univ. of Aizu A study of applying formal methods to enterprise architecture of Japanese governmental corporations
Takahiro Seino, Osamu Takaki, Izumi Takeuti, Koichi Takahashi, Noriaki Izumi (AIST) SS2007-2 KBSE2007-2
AIST has been working on the development of the next-term information system for three years. The system is developed b... [more] SS2007-2 KBSE2007-2
 Results 1 - 7 of 7  /   
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