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Technical Committee on Nonlinear Problems (NLP)  (Searched in: 2008)

Search Results: Keywords 'from:2008-06-26 to:2008-06-26'

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Search Results: Conference Papers
 Conference Papers (Available on Advance Programs)  (Sort by: Date Ascending)
 Results 21 - 35 of 35 [Previous]  /   
Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
NC, NLP 2008-06-27
Okinawa University of the Ryukyus Calculation of Bessel and Hankel Functions with Guaranteed Accuracy
Shin'ichi Oishi (Waseda Univ.) NLP2008-18
In this paper, we describe how to calculate the Bessel functions $J_0(x)$ and $J_1(x)$ with guaranteed error bound.

... [more]
NC, NLP 2008-06-27
Okinawa University of the Ryukyus Modeling of action decision process based on intention estimation
Ayami Yokoyama, Takashi Omori, Hiroyuki Okada (Tamagawa University) NC2008-18
We can estimate the intentions of others and their internal states such as plan by observing their actions. We can also ... [more] NC2008-18
NC, NLP 2008-06-27
Okinawa University of the Ryukyus MEG denoising using simultaneous current estimation of artifacts and cortical activities
Ken-ichi Morishige (Toyama Pref. Univ.), Dai Kawawaki, Taku Yoshioka, Masa-aki Sato, Mitsuo Kawato (ATR) NC2008-19
While measuring magnetoencephalographic (MEG) signals, these are corrupted by large magnetic artifacts, such as cardiac,... [more] NC2008-19
NC, NLP 2008-06-27
Okinawa University of the Ryukyus The influence analysis on techno-stress by non-corrective glasses using the EEG
Yohei Tomita, Shin-ichi Ito, Yasue Mitsukura (TUAT), Minoru Fukumi (U of T), Taketoshi Suzuki (Suzuki Eye Clinic Kichikouji) NC2008-20
Most people do not notice the overcorrected eyeglasses in daily life. The overcorrected eyeglasses, which do not have ad... [more] NC2008-20
NC, NLP 2008-06-27
Okinawa University of the Ryukyus The Music Analysis Method Based on Melody Analysis
Tsukasa Endo, Shin-ichi Ito, Yasue Mitsukura (TUAT), Minoru Fukumi (The Univ. of Tokushima) NC2008-21
In this paper, we propose a new method for analyzing the music automatically by melody analysis from audio signal. We ex... [more] NC2008-21
NC, NLP 2008-06-27
Okinawa University of the Ryukyus Optimization of switching in DC/AC inverters by PSO
Katsuma Ono, Toshimichi Saito (HU) NC2008-22
This paper studies an optimization method of switching rule in DC/AC inverter by Particle Swarm Optimization.
In the m... [more]
NC, NLP 2008-06-27
Okinawa University of the Ryukyus Leaky Spiking Oscillator with Multiple Periodic Inputs
Toru Nishigami, Hiroyuki Torikai (Osaka Univ.) NC2008-23
A leaky spiking oscillator having two periodic inputs can generate various spike-trains depending on the inputs. In this... [more] NC2008-23
NC, NLP 2008-06-27
Okinawa University of the Ryukyus Reliability of spike timing in coupled networks of neurons: noise-induced synchronization of nonlinear oscillators
Jun-nosuke Teramae, Tomoki Fukai (RIKEN) NC2008-24
In this report, we discuss temporal precision of spike sequences generated by a pulse-coupled network of neurons. We sho... [more] NC2008-24
NC, NLP 2008-06-27
Okinawa University of the Ryukyus Application of Adaptive Natural Gradient Descent to Singular Learning Machines
Yoshiya Nishimura, Masato Inoue (Waseda Univ.) NC2008-25
 [more] NC2008-25
NC, NLP 2008-06-27
Okinawa University of the Ryukyus A Learning Algorithm of Binary Neural Networks Based on Real-Coded GA
Yu Akedo, Hidehiro Nakano, Arata Miyauchi (Musashi Inst. Tech.) NC2008-26
In this paper, we propose a learning algorithm of Binary Neural Networks (BNNs) based on real-coded genetic algorithm. ... [more] NC2008-26
NC, NLP 2008-06-27
Okinawa University of the Ryukyus GA-based geometrical learning of binary neural networks and its generalization capability
Syuhei Shimada, Hidehiro Nakano, Arata Miyauchi (Musashi Inst. Tech.) NC2008-27
GA-based geometrical learning of Binary Neural Network (BNN) is discussed in this paper.
To apply BNN to the multi cla... [more]
NC, NLP 2008-06-27
Okinawa University of the Ryukyus A visualized analysis on state transition in Hopfield network -- Search process of combinatorial optimization problems --
Kiyotaka Yamashita, Hiroshi Wakuya (Saga Univ.) NC2008-28
A Hopfield network is a good tool for solving combinatorial optimization problems, even though it sometimes fails to fin... [more] NC2008-28
NC, NLP 2008-06-27
Okinawa University of the Ryukyus Task-Dependent Distributed Representation of States in Free-Energy-Based Reinforcement Learning
Makoto Otsuka, Junichiro Yoshimoto, Kenji Doya (OIST) NC2008-29
 [more] NC2008-29
NC, NLP 2008-06-27
Okinawa University of the Ryukyus Self-organized Reinforcement Learning in Nonstationary Environment
Yu Hiei (NAIST), Takeshi Mori, Shin Ishii (Kyoto Univ.) NC2008-30
In real-world problems, the environment surrounding a controlled system is nonstationary, and the optimal control may ch... [more] NC2008-30
NC, NLP 2008-06-27
Okinawa University of the Ryukyus A Self-Organizing Model of Distributed Representation Separating Nonlinear Independent Components with Topology
Tesshin Nakada, Koji Kurata (Ryukyu Univ.), Ryuichi Kimura (DAINIPPON SCREEN MFG. CO., LTD.), kyuhee Lee (Osaka Univ.) NC2008-31
A Self-Organizing Model is proposed that can separate and represent two nonliner independent components in input.
The m... [more]
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