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Technical Committee on Information-Based Induction Sciences and Machine Learning (IBISML)  (Searched in: 2014)

Search Results: Keywords 'from:2014-11-17 to:2014-11-17'

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 Conference Papers (Available on Advance Programs)  (Sort by: Date Ascending)
 Results 21 - 40 of 50 [Previous]  /  [Next]  
Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
IBISML 2014-11-17
Aichi Nagoya Univ. [Poster Presentation] Target Shift Adaptation for Conditional Density Estimation and Regression
Tuan Duong Nguyen (Tokyo Inst. of Tech.), Marthinus Christoffel du Plessis, Masashi Sugiyama (Univ. of Tokyo) IBISML2014-55
We consider the problem of domain adaptation under target shift scenario, where the target marginal distributions p(y) d... [more] IBISML2014-55
IBISML 2014-11-17
Aichi Nagoya Univ. [Poster Presentation] Training Algorithm for Restricted Boltzmann Machines Using Auxiliary Function Approach
Norihiro Takamune (Univ. of Tokyo), Hirokazu Kameoka (Univ. of Tokyo/NTT) IBISML2014-56
Layerwise pre-training is one of important elements for deep learning, and Restricted Boltzmann Machines (RBMs) is popul... [more] IBISML2014-56
IBISML 2014-11-17
Aichi Nagoya Univ. [Poster Presentation] Unified approach for auditory scene analysis based on multichannel factorial hidden Markov model
Takuya Higuchi (Univ. of Tokyo), Hirokazu Kameoka (Univ. of Tokyo/NTT) IBISML2014-57
This paper deals with the problems of audio source separation, audio event detection, dereverberation and DOA estimation... [more] IBISML2014-57
IBISML 2014-11-17
Aichi Nagoya Univ. [Poster Presentation] Regularized multi-task learning for multi-dimensional log-density gradient estimation
Ikko Yamane (Tokyo Inst. of Tech.), Hiroaki Sasaki, Masashi Sugiyama (Univ. of Tokyo) IBISML2014-58
Log-density gradient estimation is a fundamental statistical problem and it has various practical applications such as c... [more] IBISML2014-58
IBISML 2014-11-17
Aichi Nagoya Univ. [Poster Presentation] Online Direct Density-ratio Estimation under the Kullback-Leibler Loss
Marthinus Christoffel du Plessis (Univ. of Tokyo), Hiroaki Shiino (Tokyo Inst. of Tech.), Masashi Sugiyama (Univ. of Tokyo) IBISML2014-59
(Advance abstract in Japanese is available) [more] IBISML2014-59
IBISML 2014-11-18
Aichi Nagoya Univ. [Poster Presentation] An Infinite Superimposed Discrete All-pole Model based on Gamma Processes for Music Signal Analysis
Kazuyoshi Yoshii, Katsutoshi Itoyama (Kyoto Univ.), Masataka Goto (AIST) IBISML2014-60
This paper presents a probabilistic model that is used for decomposing music audio signals into the three elements of so... [more] IBISML2014-60
IBISML 2014-11-18
Aichi Nagoya Univ. [Poster Presentation] A note on least angle regression in orthogonal case
Katsuyuki Hagiwara (Mie Univ.) IBISML2014-61
LARS(least angle regression) is one of the sparse modeling methods. This paper considered LARS in the case of orthogonal... [more] IBISML2014-61
IBISML 2014-11-18
Aichi Nagoya Univ. [Poster Presentation] Denoising High-dimensional Sequences with the Bidirectional Recurrent Restricted Boltzmann Machine
Shoken Kaneko (Yamaha Co.) IBISML2014-62
We propose a probabilistic neural network for modeling high-dimensional sequences with complex non-linearities.
Our mod... [more]
IBISML 2014-11-18
Aichi Nagoya Univ. [Poster Presentation] Optimization Method of LASSO Hyperparameter using WAIC
Dai Miyazaki, Sumio Watanabe (Tokyo Tech) IBISML2014-63
LASSO (Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator) was proposed as a regression method using a penalty term made of... [more] IBISML2014-63
IBISML 2014-11-18
Aichi Nagoya Univ. [Poster Presentation] Asymptotic Analysis of Variational Bayesian Latent Dirichlet Allocation
Shinichi Nakajima (TU Berlin), Issei Sato, Masashi Sugiyama (Univ. of Tokyo), Kazuho Watanabe (Toyohashi Univ. of Tech.), Hiroko Kobayashi (Nikon) IBISML2014-64
Latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) is a popular generative model
of various objects such as texts and images,
where an ... [more]
IBISML 2014-11-18
Aichi Nagoya Univ. [Poster Presentation] Learning from Positive and Unlabeled Data 1: Classifier Training and Theoretical Analysis
Marthinus Christoffel du Plessis (Univ. of Tokyo), Gang Niu (Baidu), Masashi Sugiyama (Univ. of Tokyo) IBISML2014-65
(Advance abstract in Japanese is available) [more] IBISML2014-65
IBISML 2014-11-18
Aichi Nagoya Univ. [Poster Presentation] Learning from Positive and Unlabeled Data 2: Computationally Efficient Estimation of Class Priors
Marthinus Christoffel du Plessis (Univ. of Tokyo), Gang Niu (Baidu), Masashi Sugiyama (Univ. of Tokyo) IBISML2014-66
(Advance abstract in Japanese is available) [more] IBISML2014-66
IBISML 2014-11-18
Aichi Nagoya Univ. [Poster Presentation] Parallel Distributed Block Coordinate Descent Methods based on Pairwise Comparison Oracle
Kota Matsui (Nagoya Inst. of Tech.), Wataru Kumagai (Kanagawa Univ.), Takafumi Kanamori (Nagoya Univ.) IBISML2014-67
This paper provides a block coordinate descent algorithm to solve unconstrained optimization prob- lems. In our algorith... [more] IBISML2014-67
IBISML 2014-11-18
Aichi Nagoya Univ. [Poster Presentation] Robust Estimation under Heavy Contamination using Unnormalized Models
Takafumi Kanamori (Nagoya Univ.), Hironori Fujisawa (ISM) IBISML2014-68
In data analysis, contamination caused by outliers is inevitable, and robust statistical methods are strongly demanded. ... [more] IBISML2014-68
IBISML 2014-11-18
Aichi Nagoya Univ. [Poster Presentation] Unsupervised Dimension Reduction via Least-Squares Quadratic Mutual Information
Janya Sainui (Tokyo Inst. of Tech.), Masashi Sugiyama (Univ. of Tokyo) IBISML2014-69
The goal of dimension reduction is to represent high-dimensional data in a lower-dimensional subspace, while intrinsic p... [more] IBISML2014-69
IBISML 2014-11-18
Aichi Nagoya Univ. [Poster Presentation] Support consistency of direct sparse-change learning in Markov networks
Song Liu, Taiji Suzuki (Tokyo Inst. of Tech.), Masashi Sugiyama (Univ. of Tokyo) IBISML2014-70
(Advance abstract in Japanese is available) [more] IBISML2014-70
IBISML 2014-11-18
Aichi Nagoya Univ. [Poster Presentation] Coping with Class Balance Change in Classification : Class-Prior Estimation with Energy Distance
Hideko Kawakubo (Tokyo Inst. of Tech.), Marthinus Christoffel du Plessis, Masashi Sugiyama (Univ. of Tokyo) IBISML2014-71
Due to sample selection bias or non-stationarity of the environment, the class balance often changes between training an... [more] IBISML2014-71
IBISML 2014-11-18
Aichi Nagoya Univ. [Poster Presentation] Gauge Theory on Measure Space -- tau-Information Geometry --
Masaru Tanaka (Fukuoka Univ.) IBISML2014-72
A new formulation of information geometry is given by extending a translation operation on an affine space of probabilit... [more] IBISML2014-72
IBISML 2014-11-18
Aichi Nagoya Univ. [Poster Presentation] Combination of LSTM and CNN on recognizing mathematical symbols
Hai Nguyen Dai, Anh Le Duc, Masaki Nakagawa (TUAT) IBISML2014-73
Combining classifiers is an approach that has been shown to be useful on numerous occasions when striving for further im... [more] IBISML2014-73
IBISML 2014-11-18
Aichi Nagoya Univ. [Poster Presentation] The method of clustering data on polar codinates
Yuji Fujjiwara (INCT), Kazuhisa Fujita (INCT/UEC) IBISML2014-74
Clustering is used for various data analysis, for example, data mining, image processing and so on. Many methods of clus... [more] IBISML2014-74
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