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 Results 41 - 60 of 62 [Previous]  /  [Next]  
Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
HCS 2014-03-04
Ishikawa Rurikoh (Yamashiro Hot Springs, Ishikawa) Effect of the presentation of three-dimensional object using the Augmented Reality technology on the performance of mental rotation tasks
Kei Nakano, Nobuyuki Watanabe (Kanazawa Inst. of Tech.) HCS2013-111
The word “Augmented Reality (AR)” has often been seen with the developments in smartphone and handheld gaming device in ... [more] HCS2013-111
Gifu Gifu University A Study on reduction of heart sounds and ambient noise from lung sounds
Takuma Kashima, Tatsuya Yamashita, Satoshi Tamura, Satoru Hayamizu, Kenji Hayashi, Yutaka Nishimoto (Gifu Univ.) MBE2013-92
In medical fields, a medical staff often inspects by auscultation, whether patient lung sounds contain an abnormal sound... [more] MBE2013-92
PRMU 2013-02-21
Osaka   Fast online multivariate non-parametric density estimation under noisy environment
Yoshihiro Nakamura, Hiroshi Takahashi, Osamu Hasegawa (Titech) PRMU2012-141
Recently, with the development of network and sensors technology, a huge number of data are generating continuously in r... [more] PRMU2012-141
MBE 2012-01-28
Fukuoka Kyushu University Mental fatigue measurement based on the changes in flicker perception threshold using consumer mobile devices -- Flicker Health Management System --
Sunao Iwaki (AIST), Nobuyoshi Harada (FHM) MBE2011-102
We have been developing techniques (1) to visualize spatiotemporal brain activities to investigate neural mechanisms und... [more] MBE2011-102
- 2011-12-09
Kagawa Sun Port Hall Takamatsu The fundamental brain activity controls prosody in voice communications
Emiko Imai (Kobe Univ./Kobe Co-Medical College), Yoshitada Katagiri (NICT), Keiko Seki, Toshio Kawamata (Kobe Univ.)
Prosody is necessary for voice communication. Many researchers reported that deficits of prosodic production and percept... [more]
SP 2011-03-05
Tokyo Faculty of Engineering, The University of Tokyo Decision of Feedback Timing for Speech Recognition with Reinforcement Learning
Di Lu, Satoru Fukayama, Takuya Nishimoto, Shigeki Sagayama (Univ. of Tokyo.) SP2010-125
In spoken dialog systems, it is important to reduce the delay of the response to the user's utterance. We investigated t... [more] SP2010-125
HCS 2011-01-21
Osaka Osaka University Nakanoshima Center The effect of communication tool in triadic communication (4) -- Relationship between conflict cognition and group decision-making --
Masafumi Matsuda (NTT), Kaito Yaegashi, Ikuo Daibo (Osaka Univ.) HCS2010-50
An ultimate goal of video conferencing systems is producing the environment which is indistinguishable from face-to-face... [more] HCS2010-50
MBE 2010-06-30
Hokkaido Hokkaido Univ. Study on the Physiological Responses to Electric Field Exposure under the Mental Work Load Task
Masaji Yamashita (Hokkaido Inst. of Tech.), Koichi Shimizu (Hokkaido Univ.) MBE2010-14
(To be available after the conference date) [more] MBE2010-14
HIP, HCS 2010-05-13
Okinawa Okinawa Industry Support Center Optimal frequency band for the estimation of emotional state based on the frequency analysis of pupil diameter variability using Wavelet Transformation
Kiyomi Sakamoto, Shoichi Aoyama, Shigeo Asahara (Panasonic), Hiroshi Miyauchi, Hirohiko Kaneko (Tokyou Tec) HCS2010-9 HIP2010-9
We carried out two experiments to specify optimal frequency band for the estimation of emotional state based on the wave... [more] HCS2010-9 HIP2010-9
HIP 2009-03-24
Shimane Shimane University Autonomic responses to perceptual learning of visual search
Tatsuto Takeuchi (NTT Comm Sci Lab.), Yasuto Tanaka (Miki Optical Inst.) HIP2008-151
Perceptual learning refers to the improvement of perceptual sensitivity and performance with training. In this study, we... [more] HIP2008-151
HCS 2009-03-25
Shimane   Effect of seeing each other's faces on the performance of group-oriented tasks.
Masafumi Matsuda (NTT Comm Sci Labs.) HCS2008-68
This research revealed how seeing each other's face affects the performance of intellectual activities in group-oriented... [more] HCS2008-68
TL 2009-02-06
Tokyo Kikai-Shinko-Kaikan Bldg.(not fixed) Multi-aspect fMRI Data Analysis for Understanding Human Problem Solving Process
Yu Tian, Yuya Ojima, Shinichi Motomura, Ning Zhong (Maebit Inst. of Tech.) TL2008-54
In recent years, with the application of new technology of brainfunctional imaging such as fMRI and the new understandin... [more] TL2008-54
NC 2008-10-24
Miyagi Tohoku Univ. Study on Physiological Indexes during Mental Focus Task -- Comparison between Near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS), Electroencephalography (EEG) and Peripheral Arterial Tonometry --
Hajime Ogata, Tohru Yagi, Yoshikazu Ishii (Tokyo Tech.), Toshiharu Mukai (RIKEN), Hidenori Ohnishi (Technos) NC2008-57
In this research, we evaluated physiologic indices during mental focus task and relaxation task. In our experiment, it w... [more] NC2008-57
TL 2008-08-08
Miyagi Hotel Onikobe Processing Japanese simple sentences in a Self-paced Listening Paradigm
Takaaki Suzuki (Kyoto Sangyo Univ.) TL2008-15
This study investigates the effects of scrambling, case, and reversibility on the comprehension of Japanese simple sente... [more] TL2008-15
ITS, IEE-ITS 2008-03-26
Kyoto Kyoto University Effect Evaluationof Mental Calculation Task on Driver's Physiological Signals and Pedal Manipulation during Driving after Leading Car Using DS
Eiji Kawakita (Aichi Pref. Univ.), Konomu Abe, Hideki Miyatake (TOKAI RIKA), Koji Oguri (Aichi Pref. Univ.) ITS2007-87
Through comprehensive efforts to decrease the number of fatalities and injuries in traffic accidents by widely prevailin... [more] ITS2007-87
HIP 2008-03-22
- 2008-03-23
Fukuoka Kitakyushu Science and Research Park Construction of Screening Procedure of Visual Perception Test on Children with Developmental Disorder
Yusuke Sato (Kogakuin Univ.), Akinori Yanada, Hidehito Kawabata (Kawabata Eye Clinic), Yuji Nagashima (Kogakuin Univ.) HIP2007-172
Among children with developmental disorders, sometimes they have problem with visual perception,
therefore they have a ... [more]
CAS, SIP, VLD 2007-06-22
Hokkaido Hokkaido Tokai Univ. (Sapporo) A Brain Computer Interface Based on FFT and Multilayer Neural Network -- Feature Extraction and Generalization --
Yasuaki Kaneda, Kenji Nakayama, Akihiro Hirano (Kanazawa Univ.) CAS2007-19 VLD2007-35 SIP2007-49
In this paper, a multilayer neural network is applied to 'Brain Computer Interface' (BCI), which is one of hopeful inter... [more] CAS2007-19 VLD2007-35 SIP2007-49
WIT 2007-05-24
Okinawa Ryukyu Univ. Evaluation on Speech Recognition of a Person with Articulation Disorders for Smart Appliances
Hironori Matsumasa, Katsuyuki Tanaka, Tetsuya Takiguchi, Yasuo Ariki (Kobe Univ.), Ichao Li (Otemon Univ.), Toshitaka Nakabayashi (Kobe Univ.) WIT2007-7
ECU (environmental control unit) takes an important role in self-support for developmentally-disabled individual. Some E... [more] WIT2007-7
WIT 2007-03-23
Aichi Chukyo Univ Considerations of efficiency and mental workload of search task on website by the visually impaired persons.
Junichi Iizuka (NTUT), Akira Ichikawa (Chiba Univ.)
The correlation of search time and mental work load of the visually impaired persons in search task on web site were exp... [more] WIT2006-114
NC 2007-03-15
Tokyo Tamagawa University Incremental Semi-supervised Learning Based on Self-organized Incremental Neural Networks
Youki Kamiya, Toshiaki Ishii, Osamu Hasegawa (Tokyo Inst. of Tech.)
We propose a method for incremental semi-supervised learning and recognition based on self-organized neural networks. It... [more] NC2006-179
 Results 41 - 60 of 62 [Previous]  /  [Next]  
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