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Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
WIT, IPSJ-AAC 2024-03-19
Ibaraki Tsukuba University of Technology
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
A Study on the Relationship Between the Linguistic Features of Sign Language and the Accuracy of Imitation -- Sign Language Imitation Experiment using Illustrations, Video, and HMD Learning Materials --
Tomoya Sato, Takeaki Shionome (Teikyo Univ.) WIT2023-54
In sign language learning using a head-mounted display (HMD), the hand-tracking function enables users to learn from a f... [more] WIT2023-54
WIT, IPSJ-AAC 2019-03-08
Ibaraki Tsukuba University of Technology Evaluation of the kana letter recognition by the leading a finger presentation method. -- Toward the effective letter presentation and information support for a deaf-blind people who is not readable of Braille. --
Tadahiro Sakai (NHK Engineering System), Masatsugu Sakajiri (Tsukuba University of Technology), Takuya Handa, Toshihiro Shimizu (NHK), Junji Onishi (Tsukuba University of Technology) WIT2018-67
We propose a new presentation system (Prop-Tactile display) which compound in local vibration method on a tactile displa... [more] WIT2018-67
WIT 2017-08-29
Akita Faculty of Engineering Science, Akita Univ. Disaster information transmission system using a video compression based on the key frame of the sign language. -- Information acquisition strategy of Deaf people when repeatedly playing sign language video. --
Kota Akiyama (Shibaura Inst. of Tech.), Ken Tsutsuguchi (NTT), Shun-ichi Yonemura (Shibaura Inst. of Tech.) WIT2017-22
The event of a disaster such as a major earthquake, there is a need to convey quickly and accurately disaster informatio... [more] WIT2017-22
HCS, HIP, HI-SIGCOASTER [detail] 2017-05-16
Okinawa Okinawa Industry Support Center Study on a method for easily extracting spatially characterized video frames with color gloves for Japanese sign language.
Sayaka Shinada, Kota Akiyama (SIT), Ken Tsutsuguchi (NTT), Shunichi Yonemura (SIT) HCS2017-22 HIP2017-22
This paper proposes a method for easily extracting spatially characterized video frames with color gloves for Japanese s... [more] HCS2017-22 HIP2017-22
WIT, IPSJ-AAC 2017-03-11
Ibaraki Tsukuba University of Technology (Kasuga Campus) Development of a hand robot that signs tactile finger alphabets for deafness-based deafblind persons -- Applying Human-like Multiple DoF Robotic Hand --
Tatsuya Seki (UEC), Koichi Mori (NRCD), HIroshi Yokoi (UEC) WIT2016-87
Deafblind people have three barriers of communication, information acquisition, and movement. Particularly, deaf-based d... [more] WIT2016-87
WIT, HI-SIGACI 2016-12-15
Tokyo AIST Tokyo Waterfront Disaster information transmission system using a video compression based on the key frame of the sign language. -- Study of the intelligibility of sign language in the non-compressed video. --
Kota Akiyama (SIT), Ken Tsutsuguchi (NTT), Syun-ichi Yonemura (SIT) WIT2016-57
The event of a disaster such as a major earthquake, there is a need to convey quickly and accurately disaster informatio... [more] WIT2016-57
HCS, HIP, HI-SIGCOASTER [detail] 2016-05-19
Okinawa Okinawa Industry Support Center Disaster information transmission system using a video compression based on the key frame of the sign language. -- Assessment of the effectiveness of the key frame image by 20 people Deaf. --
Kota Akiyama (SIT), Ken Tsutsuguchi (NTT), Syunichi Yonemura (SIT) HCS2016-25 HIP2016-25
When a disaster such as a large earthquake occurs, there is a need to convey quickly and accurately disaster information... [more] HCS2016-25 HIP2016-25
WIT 2016-03-05
Ibaraki Tusukuba Univ. of Tech.(Tsukuba) Preliminary Study on the Possibility and Requirements of Deaf-Blind People for Enjoying Cinema
Sawako Nakajima (Akita Univ.), Naoyuki Okochi (RCAST), Motohiko Tsuru (Yuukari), Tetsujiro Yamagami (MASC) WIT2015-100
In this paper, the film screening for deaf-blind people was conducted using Japanese and foreign films (South Korea movi... [more] WIT2015-100
WIT 2015-08-26
Nagano Shinshu University Faculty of Engineering Disaster information transmission system based on key frame of Japanese Sign Language.
Kota Akiyama (SIT), Ken Tsutsuguchi (NTT), Shunichi Yonemura (SIT) WIT2015-46
If a disaster, for example, such as metropolitan epicentral earthquake occurs, there is a need to convey quickly and acc... [more] WIT2015-46
WIT 2015-03-13
Ibaraki Kasuga Campus, Tsukuba University of Technology Analysis of the Change of Arm Movement due to the Change of Signing Rate in Japanese Sign Language
Kousuke Kitagami, Yasuo Horiuchi, Shingo Kuroiwa (Chiba Univ.) WIT2014-91
In this study, we analyze the change of the arm movement due to the signing rate of Japanese Sign Language. The arm mov... [more] WIT2014-91
WIT 2014-12-11
Tokyo AIST Tokyo Waterfront Picture quality of sign language for early warning -- The characteristic of resolution based on a time series --
Masamitsu Yamazaki, Shunichi Yonemura (Shibaura Inst. of Tech.), Ken Tsutsuguchi (NTT) WIT2014-58
When disasters, such as an earthquake and a fire, occur, urgency is told using disaster radio, television broadcasting, ... [more] WIT2014-58
WIT 2011-08-05
Kyoto Sugiura Community Care Res. Center Study on Emergency Messages for Deaf People and Message Media
Kazuo Kamata (Utsunomiya Univ.), Shunichi Yonemura (NTT) WIT2011-30
Generating and transmitting emergency messages to deaf people is one of important issues in keeping everyday life safe. ... [more] WIT2011-30
HIP, HCS 2011-05-23
Okinawa Okinawa Industry Support Center Study on Generation of JSL Earthquake Messages
Kazuo Kamata (Utsunomiya Univ.), Shunichi Yonemura (NTT), Aki Oozeki (Utsunomiya Univ.) HCS2011-5 HIP2011-5
Generating signed language earthquake messages is discussed for deaf people who use JSL(Japanese Sign Language) in their... [more] HCS2011-5 HIP2011-5
- 2010-12-17
Miyazaki Miyazaki Seagai resort Study on Generation of JSL Earthquake Messages
Kazuo Kamata (Utsunomiya Univ.), Shunichi Yonemura (NTT), Aki Oozeki (Utsunomiya Univ.)
This report deals with generating signed language (JSL, Japanese Sign Language) earthquake messages for deaf people who ... [more]
- 2010-12-17
Miyazaki Miyazaki Seagai resort Generaton Method for JSL Based Messages by Discrete Sign Symbols
Shunichi Yonemura (NTT), Kazuo Kamata, HItomi Okagawa (Utsu)
Signed language is a means for communication used in deaf community, and is gestural-visual language. Sign language is p... [more]
SITE, IPSJ-EIP 2010-05-28
Tokyo   JSL Earthquake Messages and Universal Design
Kazuo Kamata (Utsunomiya Univ.), Shunichi Yonemura (NTT) SITE2010-1
In this report, we first clarify a certain set of functional elements, or a functional chain, for making it effective an... [more] SITE2010-1
WIT, SP 2009-10-30
Aomori ASPAM The Communication System Between Deaf-blind People and Non-disabled People using Body-Braille
Satoshi Ohtsuka (Gunma Coll. of Tech.), Nobuyuki Sasaki (Tsukuba Univ. of Tech.), Sadao Hasegawa (Ounkai), Tetsumi Harakawa (Maebashi Inst. of Tech.) SP2009-59 WIT2009-65
There are several barriers to communicate between deaf-blind people and non-disabled people. The communication method of... [more] SP2009-59 WIT2009-65
ISEC, IPSJ-CSEC, SITE, ICSS [detail] 2009-07-02
Akita Akita University A Model for JSL Emergency Message System for the Deaf
Kazuo Kamata (Utsunomiya Univ.), Shunichi Yonemura (NTT) ISEC2009-24 SITE2009-16 ICSS2009-38
Emergency messages are important for everyone in protecting oneself from danger in everyday life. In this report, we foc... [more] ISEC2009-24 SITE2009-16 ICSS2009-38
HCS 2009-03-25
Shimane   Eye Movements in Bilingual Emergency Message Reading for Deaf People
Kazuo Kamata (Utsunomiya Univ.), Shunichi Yonemura, Shin-ichiro Eitoku (NTT) HCS2008-70
This report deals with results for eye movement analysis for deaf individuals in reading bilingual emergency messages. I... [more] HCS2008-70
HIP, HCS 2007-05-24
- 2007-05-25
Okinawa   Study on JSL/Japanese Bilingual Earthquake Message Presentation
Akinori Yonekura, Kazuo Kamata (Utsunomiya Univ.), Shunichi Yonemura, Shin-ichiro Eitoku, Akio Shinohara (NTT)
This paper describes the method for presenting earthquake information by the use of Japanese and Japanese Sign Language(... [more]
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