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 Conference Papers (Available on Advance Programs)  (Sort by: Date Descending)
 Results 41 - 60 of 66 [Previous]  /  [Next]  
Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
HCS, HIP, HI-SIGCOASTER [detail] 2016-05-19
Okinawa Okinawa Industry Support Center A Case Study of Video-mediated Co-eating Communication between Elderly Parent and Their Independent Children -- Effects of Co-eating Interpreted from Their Life Logs of Two-month Long Experiments and Interviews --
Hiroko Tokunaga (Tokyo Denki Univ.), Momoko Nakatani (NTT-IT), Naonori Akiya (Yamaguchi Univ.), Naoki Mukawa (Tokyo Denki Univ.) HCS2016-24 HIP2016-24
This research was aimed at verifying whether video-mediated co-eating experiences between elderly parents and their inde... [more] HCS2016-24 HIP2016-24
HCS 2016-01-23
Nara Yamato Kaigishitsu Psychological effects of dyadic co-eating communication from quantitative analysis of participants' self-disclosures
Hiroko Tokunaga, Atsushi Kimura, Naoko Sato, Naoki Mukawa (Tokyo Denki Univ.) HCS2015-73
 [more] HCS2015-73
HCS 2016-01-23
Nara Yamato Kaigishitsu Analysis of 'current speaker selects next' behavior in speech rate converted conversations with voice feedback
Takahiro Hirose, Kosuke Kumagai, Hiroko Tokunaga, Hiroto Saito, Naoki Mukawa (Tokyo Denki Univ.) HCS2015-76
Speech rate conversion that slows utterances is one of the promising techniques for supporting impaired hearers such as ... [more] HCS2015-76
- 2015-12-18
Toyama Toyama International Conference Center Tomo-Livi: A communication support system between elderly and daughter/son families living apart -- user needs and design concept --
Naoki Mukawa (Tokyo Denki Univ.), Masaki Shuzo (Univ. Tokyo), Atsushi Kimura, Naoki Ohshima, Hiroko Tokunaga, Syunsuke Iijima, Yusuke Ishii (Tokyo Denki Univ.)
For elderly persons who live apart from their adult children, keeping touch with their surrounding people including fami... [more]
- 2015-12-18
Toyama Toyama International Conference Center Logical/illogical Argument in Group Discussion aiming to Improve Participant Speech Ability
Tomohiro Nakayama, Hiroko Tokunaga (Tokyo Denki Univ.), Junji Yamato (NTT), Naoki Mukawa (Tokyo Denki Univ.)
We examine relationship between logical structure of participants’ utterances and evaluator‘s evaluation in Grope Discu... [more]
HCS, HIP, HI-SIGCOASTER [detail] 2015-05-19
Okinawa Okinawa Industry Support Center How co-eating/solitary eating situations Effect on Eating behaviors? -- Analysis of Human Behaviors based on Gaze and Eating action --
Yu Shoji, Hiroko Tokunaga, Naoki Mukawa (Tokyo Denki Univ.) HCS2015-6 HIP2015-6
In our daily life we have two major eating styles: eating with family or friends (co-eating), eating alone (solitary ea... [more] HCS2015-6 HIP2015-6
HCS, HIP, HI-SIGCOASTER [detail] 2015-05-19
Okinawa Okinawa Industry Support Center Effects of voice loopback on real-time speech rate converted conversations
Hiroto Saito, Hiroko Tokunaga, Eriko Hashimoto, Naoki Mukawa (Tokyo Denki Univ.) HCS2015-9 HIP2015-9
For second language learners and elderly people who are hard of hearing, slower reproduced utterances can improve intell... [more] HCS2015-9 HIP2015-9
HCS 2015-01-30
Kagawa Bay Resort Hotel Shodoshima (Shodoshima, Kagaewa Pref.) [Poster Presentation] Effects of touching-beverage-container behavior on self-evaluation of dyadic communication
Hiroko Tokunaga, Atsushi Kimura, Naoki Mukawa, Tomoe Tamaki (Tokyo Denki Univ.), Yuji Wada (NARO) HCS2014-106
 [more] HCS2014-106
- 2014-12-19
Yamaguchi Kaikyo Messe Shimonoseki [Poster Presentation] Values of chatting after table talk in face-to-face communication
Naoko Sato, Atsushi Kimura, Naoki Mukawa, Hiroko Tokunaga (TDU)
This study explores the potential value of chatting after table talk in human communication. In order to examine the eff... [more]
- 2014-12-19
Yamaguchi Kaikyo Messe Shimonoseki An analysis of elderly-user conversation behaviors using video-mediated communication equipped with real-time speech rate conversion
Eriko Hashimoto, Hiroto Saito, Hiroko Tokunaga, Naoki Mukawa (Tokyo Denki Univ.)
In this paper, we report on the results of an experiment to perform the effects of speech-rate conversion for three part... [more]
HCS 2013-08-24
Kyoto   Analysis of turn taking in three party dialogue with speech speed control environment
Hiroto Saito, Hiroki Seto, Hiroko Tokunaga (Tokyo Denki Univ.), Naonori Akiya (Kyoto Univ.), Naoki Mukawa (Tokyo Denki Univ.) HCS2013-39
The study analyzes three party conversations with speech rate conversion technology. When speech rate conversion system ... [more] HCS2013-39
HIP, HCS, HI-SIGCOASTER [detail] 2013-05-31
Okinawa Okinawa Industry Support Center An Analysis of Inter-participant Behaviors such as Utterances, Gazes and Nods and relevance to their affective and intentional states -- How do participants behave for maintaining cooperative conversations? --
Hiroko Tokunaga, Naoki Mukawa, Atsushi Kimura (Tokyo Denki Univ.) HCS2013-29 HIP2013-29
This paper clarifies structures of cooperative conversations by analyzing relationships between participant’s observable... [more] HCS2013-29 HIP2013-29
- 2012-12-12
Kumamoto Kumamoto-Shintoshin-plaza A Study of communicative functions and verbal/nonverbal behaviors using Annotated Conversation Corpus
Hiroko Tokunaga, Naoki Mukawa, Atsushi Kimura, Masahide Yuasa (Tokyo Denki Univ.)
Human expresses his/her inner states such as affections and moods, and conveys intentions by his/her facial and bodily b... [more]
HCS 2012-08-18
Shiga   Analysis of Interactions in mealtime via video mediated communication system -- How do we manage talking and eating cooperatively? --
Naonori Akiya (Kyoto Univ.), Naoki Mukawa, Hiroko Tokunaga, Masahide Yuasa, Atsushi Kimura (TDU) HCS2012-40
This paper analyzes behavioral interactions in table talk of three participants via VMC system. Especially, we describe ... [more] HCS2012-40
HCS, HIP, HI-SIGCOASTER [detail] 2012-05-22
Okinawa Okinawa Industry Support Center A time-line analysis of phonetic and kinematic behaviors in silence situations -- Relationship between repairing behaviors and conveyed impressions --
Hiroki Sasaki, Naoki Mukawa, Atsushi Kimura, Hiroko Tokunaga (Tokyo Denki Univ.) HCS2012-2 HIP2012-2
In this study we explore the relationships between the human behaviors(verbal/nonverbal fillers, silent pause) and the m... [more] HCS2012-2 HIP2012-2
HCS, HIP, HI-SIGCOASTER [detail] 2012-05-22
Okinawa Okinawa Industry Support Center An Analysis of Strategic Utterance Behaviors and Eating Actions in Table-Talk Participants Focuses on Speakership
Hiroko Tokunaga, Naoki Mukawa, Atsushi Kimura (Tokyo Denki Univ.) HCS2012-3 HIP2012-3
Eating with others play important roles for human communication. However, relatively little is known how people combine ... [more] HCS2012-3 HIP2012-3
HIP, HCS 2011-05-23
Okinawa Okinawa Industry Support Center An analysis of awkward silence at turn-takings: Relationship between unpleasant atmospheres and conversation fillers
Hiroki Sasaki, Naoki Mukawa, Atsushi Kimura, Hiroko Tokunaga (Tokyo Denki Univ) HCS2011-13 HIP2011-13
In the present study we explore the psychological role of verbal/nonverbal fillers in awkward silence during conversatio... [more] HCS2011-13 HIP2011-13
HIP, HCS 2011-05-23
Okinawa Okinawa Industry Support Center An Analysis of stuructures of Speech acts and gaze behaviors in Three-party Table-talks -- Which acts of participants will determine the next speaker? --
Hiroko Tokunaga, Naoki Mukawa, Atsushi Kimura (Denki Univ.) HCS2011-15 HIP2011-15
To describe and elucidate structures of conversations in three-party table-talks, the present study examine the relation... [more] HCS2011-15 HIP2011-15
HCS 2011-03-08
Shizuoka   An Analysis of Dialog-Act Structures in Three-party Table-talk -- Evaluation of Eating-together communications using Gaze-behaviors and Dialog-Act Tags --
Hiroko Tokunaga, Naoki Mukawa, Atsushi Kimura (Tokyo Denki Univ), Hitoshi Terai (Nagoya Univ) HCS2010-68
Table talks between family and among close friends play important roles in human communications. This paper clarifies co... [more] HCS2010-68
HCS 2010-08-28
Tokyo N55 Nishi-Waseda Campus, Waseda University Analysis of Turn-taking in the Process of Expressing/Understanding Utterance Attitude and Utterance Adjusting -- Effects of Attitude Expressions :"Want to Speak/Hear" in Three-party Conversations --
Hiroko Tokunaga, Naoki Mukawa, Hitoshi Terai, Masahide Yuasa (Tokyo Denki Univ.) HCS2010-35
This paper analyzes turn-taking structures in three-party conversations in terms of utterance attitudes (want to speak ... [more] HCS2010-35
 Results 41 - 60 of 66 [Previous]  /  [Next]  
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