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Technical Committee on Information Networks (IN) [schedule] [select]
Chair Katsunori Yamaoka (Tokyo Inst. of Tech.)
Vice Chair Takuji Kishida (NTT)
Secretary Takeshi Kitahara (KDDI R&D Labs.), Tatsuro Kimura (NTT)
Assistant Kunitake Kaneko (Keio Univ.), Takashi Natsume (NTT)

Technical Committee on Internet Architecture (IA) [schedule] [select]
Chair Ken-ichi Yoshida (Univ. of Tsukuba)
Vice Chair Hiroyuki Osaki (Kwansei Gakuin Univ.), Masahiro Jibiki (NICT), Tomoki Yoshihisa (Osaka Univ.)
Secretary Satoshi Matsuura (Tokyo Inst. of Tech.), Hiroshi Yamamoto (Ritsumeikan Univ.)
Assistant Yusuke Sakumoto (Tokyo Metropolitan Univ.), Yuichiro Hei (KDDI R&D Labs.), Toshiki Watanabe (NEC)

Conference Date Thu, Dec 15, 2016 10:20 - 21:00
Fri, Dec 16, 2016 09:50 - 16:10
Topics Performance Analysis and Simulation, Robustness, Traffic and Throughput Measurement, Quality of Service (QoS) Control, Congestion Control, Overlay Network/P2P, IPv6, Multicast, Routing, DDoS, etc. 
Conference Place Hiroshima city university 
Address Ootsuka Higashi 3-4-1, Asanan-ku, Hiroshima-shi, 731-3194, Japan
Transportation Guide From the Hiroshima Bus Center, take either of the following: i) a local bus bound for “Kusunoki-dai” at Gate 2 to “Shiritsu Daigaku-mae” (approx. 15 min. / 330 yen) which is right in front of HCU; or ii) a local bus bound for “Hananoki-dai / Kokoro Nishi Koen / Kokoro Sangyo Danchi” to “Numata Ryokinsho-mae” (approx. 20 min. / 300 yen), from which HCU is an 8 min. walk.
All rights are reserved and no part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. Notwithstanding, instructors are permitted to photocopy isolated articles for noncommercial classroom use without fee. (License No.: 10GA0019/12GB0052/13GB0056/17GB0034/18GB0034)
Registration Fee This workshop will be held as the IEICE workshop in fully electronic publishing. Registration fee will be necessary except the speakers and participants other than the participants to workshop(s) in non-electronic publishing. See the registration fee page. We request the registration fee or presentation fee to participants who will attend the workshop(s) on IA.

Thu, Dec 15 AM  Opening (Room 1)
10:20 - 10:25
  10:20-10:25 Opening Address ( 5 min. )
Thu, Dec 15 AM  IN 1 (Room 1)
10:25 - 11:40
10:25-10:50 Extended Intra-Route Collision Avoidance Method with Variable Transmission Power based on SIR Collision Model IN2016-66 Numata Naoya, Higaki Hiroaki (Tokyo Denki Univ.)
10:50-11:15 Intentional Node Mobility for Higher route detection ratio in Wireless Multihop Transmissions IN2016-67 Koji Isano, Hiroaki Higaki (Tokyo Denki Univ)
11:15-11:40 Design and Implementation of a Bluetooth MANET simulator IN2016-68 Ryoma Murakami, Eitaro Kohno, Yoshiaki Kakuda (Hiroshima City Univ.)
  11:40-12:40 Lunch Break ( 60 min. )
Thu, Dec 15 PM  Invited Talk 1 (Room 1)
12:40 - 13:25
(4) 12:40-13:25 [Invited Talk]
* IN2016-69 IA2016-63
Daisuke Matsubara (Hitachi), Osamu Akashi (NTT)
  13:25-13:35 Break ( 10 min. )
Thu, Dec 15 PM  Invited Talk 2 (Room 1)
13:35 - 14:20
(5) 13:35-14:20 [Invited Talk]
Real-time Modeling and Forecasting of Big Time-series Data IN2016-70 IA2016-64
Yasuko Matsubara (Kumamoto Univ.)
  14:20-14:30 Break ( 10 min. )
Thu, Dec 15 PM  IA 1 (Room 1)
14:30 - 16:10
14:30-14:55 Proposal and Evaluation of Suzaku, a Churn Resilient, Lookup-Efficient and Key-Order Preserving Structured Overlay Network IA2016-65 Kota Abe (Osaka City Univ.), Yuuichi Teranishi (NICT)
14:55-15:20 A novel parsing method of pcap file using LALR(1) IA2016-66 Ruo Ando, Hiroki Takakura (NII)
15:20-15:45 An Analysis of Network Traffic Features with Autoencoder IA2016-67 Akira Sonobe (UTokyo), Kensuke Fukuda (NII), Hiroshi Esaki (UTokyo)
15:45-16:10 Design and Implementation of FPGA based packet scheduler to satisfy latency requirements of applications IA2016-68 Katsushi Kobayashi (University of Tokyo)
  16:10-16:20 Break ( 10 min. )
Thu, Dec 15 PM  IN 2 (Room 2)
14:30 - 16:10
14:30-14:55 A Criteria of Handover in SCTP Hiroki Mitsuie, Yue Zhao, Xinzhuang Liu (HIT)
14:55-15:20 Virtual MAC Address Notifying Network Conditions and Triggering Per-packet Routing Policy IN2016-71 Hiroyuki Tsubokawa, Takao Kondo, Fumio Teraoka, Kunitake Kaneko (Keio Univ.)
15:20-15:45 Time and Space Diversity in Multi-server Video Streaming System IN2016-72 Luo Tianran (Nagoya University), Eiji Takahashi, Yoshiaki Nishikawa, Takayuki Suzuki, Kozo Satoda (NEC), Tutomu Murase (Nagoya University)
15:45-16:10 A Study on Improvement of Authenticity and Integrity of IoT Device in Home Wireless LAN Network IN2016-73 Yuugo Nishimura, Tomokazu Nagata (Ryukyu Univ.)
  16:10-16:20 Break ( 10 min. )
Thu, Dec 15 PM  IA 2 (Room 1)
16:20 - 18:00
16:20-16:45 Generation of Dropping Request Message by Identifying Source Addresses and Attributes of Attacking Packets IA2016-69 Mamoru Yogosawa, Yuki Miyaguchi, Ken Eguchi, Yuya Kishi, Tsuyoshi Ishikawa, Teruaki Tsutsumi, Kaoru Sano, Hirofumi Yamaki, Yoichiro Ueno, Hiroyuki Kimiyama, Naoki Yonezaki, Ryoichi Sasaki, Hiroshi Kobayashi (Tokyo Denki Univ.)
16:45-17:10 The Reconstruction System of Partial Information by using Partial Restoring Method in Secret Sharing Scheme IA2016-70 Asami Tanaka, Masahiro Fukumoto (KUT)
17:10-17:35 Nodes anonymous and hiding of locator on ZNP, one of ID/Locator Separation Protocol IA2016-71 Yusuke Ikeda, Takao Kondo, Kunitake Kaneko, Fumio Teraoka (Keio Univ.)
17:35-18:00 Developing Personalized Security Information Service Using Open Data IA2016-72 Takuhiro Kagawa, Yoshihiro Wada, Sachio Saiki, Masahide Nakamura (Kobe Univ.)
Thu, Dec 15 PM  IN 3 (Room 3)
16:20 - 18:00
16:20-16:45 Underlying Mechanism of node centralities based on the oscillation model on networks IN2016-74 Chisa Takano (Hiroshima City Univ.), Masaki Aida (Tokyo Metropolitan Univ.)
16:45-17:10 Method of storing and providing traffic for representation of importance in Catalogue system IN2016-75 Takeshi Sano, Fumio Teraoka, Kunitake Kaneko (Keio University)
17:10-17:35 A Design of User-oriented Sensor Network for Effective Monitoring of Health Condition of Many Subjects IN2016-76 Rui Sasaki, Kei Ichiji, Toru Abe, Takuo Suganuma (Tohoku Univ.)
17:35-18:00 A Basic Design to Improve Estimation Accuracy of Outdoor Sensor Positions Using UAV IN2016-77 Hisato Osaka, Toru Abe, Takuo Suganuma (Tohoku Univ.)
Thu, Dec 15 PM  Networking Party
19:00 - 21:00
(22) 19:00-21:00  
Fri, Dec 16 AM  IA 3 (Room 1)
09:50 - 11:05
09:50-10:15 Study on Congestion Control of Multipath TCP Based on Web-QoE under Heterogeneous Environment IA2016-73 Yasuomi Muraki, Yoshihiro Ito (NIT)
10:15-10:40 4th Network Disaster Drill of Kochi Academic Information Network IA2016-74 Masahiro Fukumoto, Yutaka Kikuchi (Kochi Univ. of Tech.), Masato Sasaki (Kochi Univ.), Satoru Yamada, Kenji Isshiki, Hirosji Kazama, Shinichi Nawa (Univ. of Kochi), Ryuji Enomoto (NIT, Kochi College), Yasushi Terao (Kochi Gakuen College), Koji Sassa (Kochi Univ.)
10:40-11:05 A study of a method of delivery narrative using stuffed doll in narrative delivery service for individuals IA2016-75 Yosihiro Wada, Kentaro Noda, Sachio Saiki, Masahide Nakamura (Kobe Univ.)
  11:05-11:15 Break ( 10 min. )
Fri, Dec 16 AM  IN 4 (Room 2)
09:50 - 11:05
09:50-10:15 Failed Node Detection with Transmission Power Reduction in Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks IN2016-78 Shun Takei, Hiroaki Higaki (Tokyo Denki Univ.)
10:15-10:40 Detection Time Reduction of Multiple Routes with Required End-to-End Throughput in Wireless Multihop Networks IN2016-79 kubo yuuki, higaki hiroaki (Tokyo Denki Univ.)
10:40-11:05 Max-min Fair Flow Allocation considering Link Interference in Wireless Mesh Networks IN2016-80 Nagisa Yano, Yumi Takaki, Tomio Kamada, Chikara Ohta (Kobe Univ.)
  11:05-11:15 Break ( 10 min. )
Fri, Dec 16 AM  Invited Talk 3 (Room 1)
11:15 - 12:00
(29) 11:15-12:00 [Invited Talk]
Utilization of Personal Data by Decentralized Management IN2016-81 IA2016-76
Kouichi Hashida (UTokyo)
  12:00-13:00 Lunch Break ( 60 min. )
Fri, Dec 16 PM  ICN (Room 1)
13:00 - 15:00
(30) 13:00-15:00 The session of Technical Committee on Information-Centric Networking
  15:00-15:10 Break ( 10 min. )
Fri, Dec 16 PM  IN 5 (Room 2)
13:20 - 14:35
13:20-13:45 A Study of Resilient Cyber Defense and Network Monitoring System with Exit Measures IN2016-82 Koji Sato, Yuji Sekiya (Univ. of Tokyo)
13:45-14:10 Cache Admission for Improving Forwarding Speed of NDN Software Router IN2016-83 Junji Takemasa, Kosuke Taniguchi, Yuki Koizumi, Toru Hasegawa (Osaka Univ.)
14:10-14:35 Legality issues of in-network processing IN2016-84 Tohru Asami (TODAI)
Fri, Dec 16 PM  IA 4 (Room 1)
15:10 - 16:00
15:10-15:35 Simulation evaluation of practical model of MEC in low-latency network architecture IA2016-77 Krittin Intharawijitr (Tokyo Tech), Katsuyoshi Iida (Hokkaido Univ.), Hiroyuki Koga (Univ. of Kitakyushu)
15:35-16:00 Effect of Wireless Communication Range Heterogeneity on Wireless Sensor Network Performance IA2016-78 Shota Agemura, Kei Katayama, Hiroyuki Ohsaki (Kwansei Gakuin Univ.)
Fri, Dec 16 PM  Closing (Room 1)
16:00 - 16:10
  16:00-16:05 IA student study award ( 5 min. )
  16:05-16:10 Closing Address ( 5 min. )

Announcement for Speakers
General TalkEach speech will have 20 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for discussion.
Invited TalkEach speech will have 40 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for discussion.

Contact Address and Latest Schedule Information
IN Technical Committee on Information Networks (IN)   [Latest Schedule]
Contact Address Technical Committee on Information Networks (IN) Secretary and Assistant
Takeshi Kitahara (KDDI Labs)
Kunitake Kaneko (Keio Univ.)
IA Technical Committee on Internet Architecture (IA)   [Latest Schedule]
Contact Address Technical Group of Internet Architecture

Last modified: 2016-12-09 15:03:57

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