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Technical Committee on ME and Bio Cybernetics (MBE) [schedule] [select]
Chair Yohsuke Kinouchi
Vice Chair Hideto Ide
Secretary Hirofumi Nagashino, Masafumi Uchida
Assistant Masatake Akutagawa, Hisaya Tanaka

Conference Date Mon, Nov 15, 2004 10:00 - 18:00
Conference Place School of Engineering, Tohoku University 
Address Aoba-ku, Sendai-shi, 980-8579
Transportation Guide
Prof. Ryoko Futami

Mon, Nov 15 AM 
10:00 - 18:00
(1) 10:00-10:25 The Model of Nerve Network in which a Transmission of Activity forms a Structure of Activities in a 3-Dimensional Space Shinji Karasawa (MNCT)
(2) 10:25-10:50 Network structure-dependent dynamics of a biological neural network model Shinya Sasaki, Norihiro Katayama, Akihiro Karashima, Mitsuyuki Nakao (Tohoku Univ.)
(3) 10:50-11:15 A relationship between EEG dynamics and the neural activities during transition of sleep stages Yuuichi Tamakawa, Akihiro Karashima (Tohoku Univ.), Yoshimasa Koyama (Fukushima Univ.), Norihiro Katayama, Mitsuyuki Nakao (Tohoku Univ.)
(4) 11:15-11:40 Auditory MEG responses evoked by sequential musical tones: comparison between musicians and non-musicians Satoshi Kanda, Keisuke Ohta, Yoshihiro Hirata, Shinya Kuriki (Hokkaido Univ.)
  11:40-12:40 Lunch Break ( 60 min. )
(5) 12:40-13:05 Fundamental Investigation about an Optimum Design of Crown and Bridge Made of The Fe-Pt Magnetic Alloy
-- Examination which uses three-dimensional magnetic field analysis by The Integral Element Method --
Nobuki Shoji, Sinn Kasahara, Kohei Kimura, Osamu Okuno (Tohoku Univ.)
(6) 13:05-13:30 Application of rare earth magnets to dental clinical field
-- Fundamental and clinical observation of magnetic attachment --
Hiroshi Mizutani (Grad.Schl.TokyoMed.&Dent.Univ.), Kazuo Nakamura (Int'l Univ Hlth and Welfr.), Vygandas Rutkunas (Vilnius Univ.), Tsuneyoshi Yamazaki (Grad.Schl.TokyoMed.&Dent.Univ.)
(7) 13:30-13:55 The effect of magnetic field on a bacteriophage infection model Keiko Takiyama, Junji Arisawa, Toshitsugu Sugawara, Kazuyuki Kimura (HIT)
(8) 13:55-14:20 Changes of the proliferation of HSV-1 infected to Vero cells under 10 Hz and 62 mT magnetic field condition Yuta Sawaguchi, Kazuyuki Kimura, Kenji Misawa, Junji Arisawa (HIT)
  14:20-14:30 Break ( 10 min. )
(9) 14:30-14:55 Coupling electrophysiological model and mechanical dynamics model for accurate simulation of myocardial tissue contraction Toshifumi Nishi, Jianyin Lu, Natalie Schneider, Akira Amano, Tetsuya Matsuda, Hidetoshi Kotera, Akinori Noma (Kyoto Univ.)
(10) 14:55-15:20 Model Generation Interface for Simulation of Left Ventricular Motion Yu Kamei, Akira Amano, Kenichi Kanda, Tsukasa Shibayama, Tetsuya Matsuda (Kyoto Univ.)
(11) 15:20-15:45 Intercellular synchronization of intracellular Ca2+ oscillation in cultured cardiac myocytes Yukako Nakayama, Koichi Kawahara, Hitoshi Aonuma, Yoshiko Yamauchi, Takayuki Nakajima, Takeru Hachiro (Hokkaido Univ.)
(12) 15:45-16:10 Extraction of fetal electrocardiogram by blind source separation and its analysis Michiyoshi Sato, Yoshitaka Kimura, Mitsuyuki Nakao, Norihiro Katayama (Tohuku Univ.)
  16:10-16:20 Break ( 10 min. )
(13) 16:20-16:45 Discrimination of beverages based on electrical and optical response patterns of mixed lipid membrane and principal component analysis Hironori Tazaki, Kenji Misawa, Masataka Kitama, Junji Arisawa (HIT)
(14) 16:45-17:10 Influence of serum on the virus detection using the metal-coated hollow fiber membrane Makoto Ebikawa, Toshitsugu Sugawara, Kazuyuki Kimura, Kenji Misawa, Junji Arisawa, Osamu Igarashi (HIT)
(15) 17:10-17:35 Development of EMG-driven type lower limb FES control system Tsutomu Kawanishi, Shin'ichiro Kanoh, Imre Cikajlo (Tohoku Univ.), Ryoko Futami (Tohoku Univ)
(16) 17:35-18:00 A basic study of auto mammography tumor detection system using Gabor filter Ai Takeda, Tomoharu Kaeriyama, Hiroyuki Tanaka (Nagaoka Univ. of Tech.), Toshiteru Sato (Nagaoka chuo general hp), Ichiro Fukumoto (Nagaoka Univ. of Tech.)

Contact Address and Latest Schedule Information
MBE Technical Committee on ME and Bio Cybernetics (MBE)   [Latest Schedule]
Contact Address Masatake Akutagawa
Dept. of Electrical & Electronic Eng., Faculty of Eng., The Univ. of Tokushima
2-1 Minamijosanjima-cho, Tokushima, Tokushima, 770-8506, Japan
TEL088-656-7477 FAX088-656-7477

Last modified: 2004-09-22 17:03:17

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