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Technical Committee on Thought and Language (TL) [schedule] [select]
Chair Tadahisa Kondo (Kogakuin Univ.)
Vice Chair Chiaki Kubomura (Yamano College of Aesthetics), Masami Suzuki (KDDI R&D Labs.)
Secretary Takashi Inui (Univ. of Tsukuba), Ko Kuroda (Kyorin Univ.)
Assistant Eiji Tomida (Ehime Univ.), Yasushi Tsubota (Kyoto Univ.)

Conference Date Wed, Aug 5, 2015 10:10 - 18:30
Thu, Aug 6, 2015 10:00 - 17:00
Topics Human Language Processing and Learning 
Conference Place Tsuda College, Tokyo, Kodaira Campus 
Address Kodaira-shi, Tokyo
Transportation Guide
Hajime Ono, Tsuda College
Sponsors MAPLL2015、Center for Women in Research of Tsuda College
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Wed, Aug 5 AM 
10:00 - 11:40
  10:00-10:10 Opening Remarks ( 10 min. )
(1) 10:10-10:40 Children's bidirectional defaulting errors in the acquisition of Japanese verb inflection TL2015-17 Tomoko Tatsumi, Julian M. Pine, Ben Ambridge (UoL)
(2) 10:40-11:10 Japanese Children's Sensitivity to Prosody and Grammar in Interpreting Adjectives TL2015-18 Motoki Nakajima (Nagano Pref. Coll.), Nae Watanabe, Saki Yoshihira
(3) 11:10-11:40 Priming from Null Subject and Full Passives with Japanese Children and Adults TL2015-19 Megumi Ishikawa, Manabu Arai, Yuki Hirose (The Univ. of Tokyo)
  11:40-13:00 Lunch Break ( 80 min. )
Wed, Aug 5 PM 
13:00 - 14:00
(4) 13:00-13:30 Anti-locality bias in the processing of Japanese reflexive binding TL2015-20 Akira Omaki (Johns Hopkins Univ.), Brian Dillon (UMass Amherst), Satoshi Ito (Mie Univ.), Takuya Kubo (Hiroshima Univ.), Hiromu Sakai (Waseda Univ.)
(5) 13:30-14:00 Predicting the verb in comprehending Japanese TL2015-21 Manabu Arai (Tokyo Univ.), Chie Nakamura (MIT), Yuki Hirose (Tokyo Univ.)
  14:00-14:10 Break ( 10 min. )
Wed, Aug 5 PM  Symposium on Language Acquisition at the Intersection of Theoretical, Experimental, and Computational Approaches
14:10 - 16:40
(6) 14:10-15:00 TBA Kristen Syrett (Rutgers Univ.)
(7) 15:00-15:50 TBA Naho Orita (Maryland/Tohoku Univ.)
(8) 15:50-16:40 An experimental approach to scope interactions with English Rise-Fall-Rise Ayaka Sugawara (MIT/Mie Univ.)
  16:40-17:00 Break ( 20 min. )
Wed, Aug 5 PM  Interactive Session
17:00 - 18:30
(9) 17:00-18:30 Towards Constructing a Universal Database for Linguistic Analysis TL2015-22 Toshiyuki Yamada (GU)
(10) 17:00-18:30 Predictive processing of novel compounds in 6-7 year old children TL2015-23 Yuki Hirose (UT), Reiko Mazuka (RIKEN)
(11) 17:00-18:30 [Poster Presentation]
Morphological Processing of the Past-Tense Forms of Japanese Consonant-Stem and Vowel-Stem Verbs TL2015-24
Raku To, Yoko Nakano (Kwansei Gakuin Univ.)
(12) 17:00-18:30 Linguistic information usage of Japanese children in case markers learning
-- Through the sentence comprehension experiment using artificial case markers --
Zhao Zhao (Hirosima Univ), Hiromu Sakai (Waseda Univ)
(13) 17:00-18:30 Semantic Parsing in Hierarchical Structured Semantic Space Model. TL2015-26 Akinori Takada (Ferris Univ.)
(14) 17:00-18:30 Processing of Sino-Japanese derived words in Japanese
-- Focusing on the effects of initial character and base identity --
Ainin Shofiawati, Aiko Morita (Hiroshima Univ), Hiromu Sakai (Waseda Univ)
(15) 17:00-18:30 Are Semantic LAN Effects Elicited by Thematic Anomalies or Expectation Violations? TL2015-28 Masataka Yano (Kyushu Univ.)
(16) 17:00-18:30 Word order priming in Japanese
-- The role of verb repetition --
Ying Deng (RIKEN), Chie Nakamura (Tokyo Univ./MIT/JSPS)
Thu, Aug 6 AM 
10:00 - 12:10
(17) 10:00-11:00 [Invited Talk]
Harm Brouwer (Saarland U)
  11:00-11:10 Break ( 10 min. )
(18) 11:10-11:40 Word translation entropy: evidence of early target language activation during reading for translation TL2015-30 Moritz Schaeffer, Barbara Dragsted (CBS), Kristian Tangsgaard Hvelplund (KU), Laura Winther Balling, Michael Carl (CBS)
(19) 11:40-12:10 Japanese Learners' Interpretation of PRO in English Control Structures TL2015-31 Noriko Yoshimura (U Shizuoka), Mineharu Nakayama (OSU), Atsushi Fujimori (Shizuoka U), Hiroya Shimizu (Yoshihara HS)
  12:10-13:30 Lunch Break ( 80 min. )
Thu, Aug 6 PM 
13:30 - 14:30
(20) 13:30-14:30 [Invited Talk]
Masako Hirotani (Carleton U)
  14:30-14:40 Break ( 10 min. )
Thu, Aug 6 PM 
14:40 - 17:00
(21) 14:40-15:10 Comprehending sensory metaphors in Mandarin Chinese TL2015-32 Shu-Ping Gong, Cheng-Tien Tsai (NCYU)
(22) 15:10-15:40 Anaphoric biases of Chinese subject pronouns TL2015-33 Aili Zhang, Nayoung Kwon (Konkuk Univ.)
  15:40-16:00 Break ( 20 min. )
(23) 16:00-17:00 [Keynote Address]
Janet Dean Fodor (CUNY)

Announcement for Speakers
General TalkEach speech will have 20 minutes for presentation and 10 minutes for discussion.
Keynote AddressEach speech will have 50 minutes for presentation and 10 minutes for discussion.
Invited TalkEach speech will have 50 minutes for presentation and 10 minutes for discussion.
Special TalkEach speech will have 40 minutes for presentation and 10 minutes for discussion.

Contact Address and Latest Schedule Information
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Last modified: 2015-07-16 07:37:08

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