電子情報通信学会 ロゴ

■ 河東 晴子:Haruko KAWAHIGASHI




1985年東大・工・電気卒、三菱電機入社。博士(工学)(東大)(2001)。現在、三菱電機情報技術総合研究所主管技師長。本会で英文論文誌編集委員(2001-03)、通信ソサイエティマガジン編集委員(2010-14)、SeMI・SANE等研究会専門委員(2005-)、調査理事(2017-18)、プラチナクラブ運営委員長(2019-)、通信ソサイエティ活動功労賞受賞(2004, 2014)。総務省情報通信審議会専門委員(2009-)、日本学術会議連携会員(2020-)、日本工学会理事(2018-19)、日本OR学会副会長(2019-20)、日本工学会フェロー。


IEICE has a long history over a hundred years, and has lead the remarkable development of information and communication technologies for recent years.  However, it has been facing issues such as membership decline due to decreasing birthrate and aging population, and industrial structure change, also accompanying financial deterioration. Moreover, it is now forced to make prompt response to face unprecedented situation of COVID-19. As an Auditor, I will examine the finance and operation status to support IEICE to meet the needs of members, and to keep sustainable development, while maintaining financial soundness, based on my long experience of working in a manufacturer, to the best of my ability.


Haruko Kawahigashi received the B.E. and D.Eng. degrees in electrical engineering from the University of Tokyo, in 1985 and 2001, respectively. She joined Mitsubishi Electric Corporation in 1985. She is currently a chief researcher of Information Technology R & D Center of Mitsubishi Electric Corp. In IEICE, she served as associate editors of Transaction on Communications (2001-03) and Communication Society Magazine (2010-14), committee members of SeMI and SANE etc. (2005-), a director, International Coordination and Publicity (2017-18), a chair or Platinum Club Management Committee (2019-). She received the Communication Society awards (2004, 2014). She is a member of MIC Information and Communications Council (2009-), a member of Science Council of Japan (2020-), a director of JFES (Japan Federation of Engineering Societies) (2018-19), a vice president of Operations Research Society of Japan (2019-20), a fellow of JFES.

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