電子情報通信学会 ロゴ

■ 小川 賀代:Kayo OGAWA




1993年日本女子大学卒業。1995年早稲田大学大学院理工学研究科修士課程修了。1999年同大学院博士課程満期退学。同年 早稲田大学理工学部・助手。2001年日本女子大学理学部・助手。2015年より同大・教授、現在に至る。博士(工学)。光無線通信システムに関する研究およびeポートフォリオシステム開発に従事。本会、フォトニックネットワーク研究専門委員、代議員、東京支部委員、ジュニア会員運営委員等を歴任。第4回日本eラーニング大賞「文部科学大臣賞」受賞。


With the spread of COVID-19, remote work and online lessons are expanding at an accelerating pace, and I feel that expectations for ICT will increase even further in the new normal era of With Corona / After Corona. I think that advanced ICT is expected to support not only students and working generations, but also children and the elderly, and contribute to the creation of a more convenient and prosperous society. Then, as the role of the academic society in the future, it is important not only to explore advanced technology but also to spread the knowledge of advanced ICT to a wide range of generations so that everyone can feel familiar with ICT. It would be my pleasure if I could contribute to the further development of the IEICE by making use of my experience of cooperating in activities that broaden the base, such as supporting children's science classes and student association activities.


Kayo Ogawa received the B.S. degree in 1993 from Japan Women's University, the M.E. degree in 1995 from Waseda University, and completed her graduate school coursework in 1999 at Waseda University. She received her Doctor of Engineering degree in 2001 from Waseda University. At present she is a professor in faculty of science at Japan Women's University. She has been engaged in research and development of free space optical communication system and e-portfolio system. She served as Technical committee on Photonic Network, a delegate, Tokyo section committee and Junior member steering committee. She received the Award of the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology in the 4th “Japan e-Learning Awards."

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