電子情報通信学会 ロゴ

■ 石川 悦子:Etsuko ISHIKAWA


2020年はコロナ禍により私たちの生活は大きく変わりました。生活に広く浸透していたと信じていたディジタル技術はそうでもないことに気づかされ、より「使える」ディジタル化について誰もが真剣に向き合う年でした。一つの事例にリモートワークがあります。急速に広まるもその効果や、ストレスなく運用するための課題は今明らかになりつつあります。 ディジタル化の技術基盤である情報通信技術は、コロナ禍影響の課題解決に、また更にはその先の2030年達成目標に掲げた17の持続可能な開発目標SDGsにも深く関わっています。その技術の情報発信源である電子情報通信学会の役割は益々大きくなってきています。 私は2017年の100周年記念事業のマイルストーン委員会の幹事を務めさせて頂きました。その活動を通して諸先輩方の交流から学会の在り方についての多くの意見に触れ、学会の仕組みを深く知ることができました。 会計理事として、これらの貴重な意見や経験を踏まえ、より生活を豊かにするディジタル化技術の在り方についての議論の活性化や、学会からのメッセージの発信機会を増やす取組に尽力したい所存です。




In 2020, COVID -19 brought a big change to our lives. It was a year when we realized that digital technologies that we believed were widespread in our lives were not, and we all thought more seriously about "available" digitization. One example is remote work, which has spread rapidly but is proving its effectiveness and the challenges of operating without stress. Information and Communications Technology, the technological foundation for digitization, is deeply involved in the resolution of information and communications issues under the influence of COVID -19, as well as in the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which are the targets to be achieved by 2030. The role of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (IEICE) as a source of information on these technologies is becoming increasingly important. I took charged of the milestone committee for the 100 Year Anniversary of 2017. Through these activities, I was able to get in touch with many opinions on the ideal form of the IEICE through the exchange of various seniors, and I was able to gain a deep understanding of the structure of the IEICE. As an accounting director, I would like to make every effort, based on these valuable opinions and experiences, to revitalize discussions on digital technologies that will enrich people's lives and increase opportunities to send messages from IEICE.


I graduated from the Graduate School of Science and Engineering, University of Tsukuba in 1988. I joined Hoya the same year and was engaged in research and development of functional glass devices. Transferred to Fujitsu Laboratories in 2000. After working at Fujitsu for development of optical amplifier modules and WDM systems in 2005, I led product planning for network products and business strategy for the software business. I am currently in charge of research on optical signal processing technology for next-generation photonics networks. Secretary of the Milestone selection committee for the 100-year anniversary project. Received the 49 Electric Science and Technology Promotion Award (Ohm Award).

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