電子情報通信学会 ロゴ

■ 塩本 公平:Kohei SHIOMOTO




1989年日本電信電話(株)入社。NTT研究所にて28年間通信ネットワークに関する研究に従事した後、2017年に東京都市大学に着任。現在の主な研究テーマはデータマイニングを応用したネットワーク管理技術。本会通信ソサイエティ副会長、本会通信ソサイエティ英文論文誌編集委員、本会通信ソサイエティ研専副委員長・専門委員、IEEE Transactions・IEEE Communications Magazine編集委員、IEEE ComSoc APB各委員長を歴任。本会およびIEEEが主催する多数の国際会議の技術プログラム委員・運営委員を歴任。1987年、1989年、1998年に阪大より学士、修士、博士(工学)。本会フェロー会員、IEEEシニア会員、ACM会員。


Japan is around 10-th in world rankings with respect to quality of paper while the US and China are competing for the best one. I believe that Japan has a potential to achieve a higher ranking and the IEICE can contribute to help Japan to do so. Publication and technical committee are two pillar of IEICE activities that can improve quality of papers. I hope to support voluntary actions initiated by members of publication and technical committees. I also believe that collaboration with foreign countries, in particular ASEAN countries, is a key to enhance the research performance of Japan and that the IEICE international sections can play a key role. As Director, International Coordination and Publicity, I hope to endeavor to help the IEICE to develop the Japan’s research performance leading to development in the world.


Kohei Shiomoto received B.E., M.E., and Ph.D degrees from Osaka University in 1987, 1989, and 1996. He is a Professor at Tokyo City University, Tokyo Japan. He had been engaged in R&D in the data communication industry for 28 years since he joined NTT Laboratories in 1989. He has been active in the areas of network virtualization, data-mining for network management, traffic & QoE management since he joined Tokyo City University in 2017. He served as Vice President of the Communication Society of the IEICE, Vice Chair of Technical Committee of the IEICE. He served as Associate/Series Editor for various academic journal including IEICE Transactions on Communications, IEEE Transactions and IEEE Communication Magazine. He has been contributing to organizing numerous international conferences sponsored by IEICE and IEEE. He is Fellow of IEICE, Senior Member of IEEE, and member of ACM.

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