電子情報通信学会 ロゴ

■ 植松 友彦:Tomohiko UYEMATSU




1982年東工大・工・電気電子卒、1984年東工大・修士課程了。工学博士(東工大)。1984年東工大助手、2003年から東工大教授。これまでに、基礎・境界ソサイエティ会長、和文論文誌(B)編集副委員長、基礎・境界ソサイエティ大会担当幹事、通信ソサイエティ庶務幹事、情報理論研究専門委員会委員長、IEEE Trans. IT Associate Editor、情報理論とその応用サブソサイエティ副委員長などを務めた。本会論文賞7回,喜安善市賞、業績賞等受賞。本学会フェロー。


The development of information and communication technology is revolutionary, not only digitization of physical assets by IoT but also social systems are about to be digitized. On the other hand, I am worried about the fact that information and communication technologies have begun to be regarded as obsolete technologies like gas, water, and electricity. There is no doubt that part of the important role of the Institute is to develop students and young researchers who have deep insight into ICT and create new values. When I was President of the Engineering Sciences Society, I learned various kinds of activities of Technical Comittees. I will contribute to the Institute through promotion of scientific and technological activities by making good use of my years of experience.


Tomohiko Uyematsu received the B.E., M.E., and D.E. degrees from Tokyo Institute of Technology. He is currently professor of the School of Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology. He served as President of the Engineering Science Society, Vice Editor of IEICE Trans. Communications (Japanese Edition), Director Conference of ESS, Director General Affairs of CS, Chair of IEICE Information Theory Technical Committee, Associate Editor of IEEE Trans. IT, Vice Chair of Information Theory and its Applications Subsociety, and so on. He has awarded 7 times the Best Paper Awards, the Kiyasu Award, and Achievement Award. He is IEICE Fellow.

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