電子情報通信学会 ロゴ

■ 廣瀬 明:Akira HIROSE




1987年東大工博士中退、東大先端研光デバイス分野助手。現在、東大工電気系工学専攻教授。電磁波、適応処理。JNNS会長、APNNS初代会長、IEEE GRSS理事などを歴任。KDDI財団賞など受賞。IEEEフェロー。


It is obvious that the IEICE Electronics Society (ES) has been one of the most influential key players in manufacturing industries and forefront academy. In the era of interdisciplinary cooperation, however, the IEICE should get more flexible in its organization and operation. The present solid ruling IEICE and/or ES will work better by changing themselves into a looser institute of smaller Societies, namely, the present Technical Committees or Technical Area Councils. The transfer of power and commitment will realize larger freedom and creativity in the activities of IEICE members. Operation burdens will also be reduced. Through discussions, I will drive ES in this direction.


2007 - present Professor, The University of Tokyo, Dept. Electrical Eng. & Inform. Sys.
1999 - 2007 Assoc. Prof., The University of Tokyo, School of Frontier Sciences
1987 - 1999 Assistant, Assoc. Prof., The University of Tokyo, RCAST
2017 - 2018 Chair, Technical Committee of Electromagnetic Theory, IEICE
2016 Founding President, APNNS
2015 - present Chair, APSAR Steering Committee, IEICE
2013 - 2014 President, JNNS
2013 - 2015 Vice President, ES, IEICE
2009 - 2010 Chair, Technical Committee of Neurocomputing, IEICE
His research interests include Wireless Electronics and Neural Networks. He is a Fellow of IEEE.

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