電子情報通信学会 ロゴ

■ 山本 幹:Miki YAMAMOTO




昭和58年阪大・工卒。昭和63年同博士課程修了(工博)。現在関西大学システム理工学部教授。これまでコンピュータネットワーク、特にコンテンツ配信に関す る研究に従事。本会通信ソサイエティ副会長、同編集会議編集長、同研専運営会議議長、同英文論文誌編集委員長、ネットワークシステム研究会委員長、IEEE関西支部長、IEEE Region 10役員などを歴任。本会フェロー。


IEICE has great contributions to the advancement of research and development in ICT. In the current situation that irresponsible information is widely distributed in the Internet, an academic institute has an increasingly crucial role of the authoritative source of technological information. IEICE should continue to provide a social interaction field to experts of wide research areas in both of academia and industry and publish responsible technological information with taking account of social demands for technology. From an organizational aspect, IEICE should be attractive also for young researchers, which is expected to increase the number of IEICE members.
If appointed, I will contribute to the improvement and advancement of IEICE Communications society with a strong passion.


He received B.E, M.E and Ph.D. in communications engineering from Osaka University. He is now a professor at Kansai University. His research interests include content distribution in computer networks. He served as Vice President of IEICE ComSoc, Chair of Editorial Board of IEICE ComSoc, Editor-in Chief of IEICE Transactions on Communications, and Chair of Technical Committee of Network Systems. And he also served as IEEE Kansai Section Chair and Executive Committee Member of IEEE Region 10. He is a Fellow of IEICE.

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