電子情報通信学会 ロゴ

■ 斎藤 秀俊:Hidetoshi SAITO






The Engineering Sciences Society (ESS) has a mission to explore a subject of a fundamental theory related to research fields of electronics, information and communications. In addition, ESS will aim at the creation of some new priority research areas connecting several different research communities. Therefore, ESS has a broad range of research fields which are categorized into 20 technical committee areas. As well as these technical committees, ESS has 3 sub-societies. Each sub-society is a group of research communities, which have relevance to each research field, and all sub-societies play an active role in maintaining or developing their research fields. It goes without saying that various activities in ESS are sustained with the aid of ESS officers. I always feel grateful for it. To conclude, I will contribute my humble efforts to the prosperity of ESS.


Hidetoshi Saito received B.E., M.E., and Dr. Eng. Degrees in electrical engineering from Yokohama National University in 1990, 1992, and 1995, respectively. He is currently a Professor of the School of Advanced Engineering at Kogakuin University, Tokyo, Japan. He is engaged in research on signal processing for high density digital magnetic recording, error correcting codes, and so on. In ESS, he was a director in charge of general affairs, and service activities.

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