電子情報通信学会 ロゴ

■ 鈴木 正敏:Masatoshi SUZUKI


本学会は、私たちの生活に今や欠かせないICTを1世紀に渡り学術的・技術的に支えてきました。5G, IoT, AI等の進展により、ICTは、今後、1次産業を含むあらゆる産業分野に浸透し、コミュニケーションのあり方、教育、医療、心理、経済、社会活動などの私たちのライフスタイルそのものに大きな影響を与えていきます。来るべきICT x Everythingの時代に、研究者、経営者及び公益財団での社会貢献活動の経験を活かして、本学会が引き続き社会の健全な発展に貢献できるよう監事として微力ながら努力したいと考えています。


1979年北大・工・電子卒。1981年同大大学院工学研究科修士了。1984年同大大学院博士課程了。工学博士。同年、国際電信電話(株)(現KDDI)入社、研究所勤務。2007年KDDI(株)研究開発フェロー、 2011年(株)KDDI研究所取締役副所長を経て、現在KDDI総合研究所主席研究員。2018年より公益財団法人KDDI財団理事長兼任。本学会、IEEE、OSA各フェロー、日本工学アカデミー会員。IEEE Photonic Society理事。本会論文賞、業績賞、功績賞、並びに、紫綬褒章、文部大臣表彰、経済大臣賞、前島密賞、櫻井健二郎氏記念賞、市村産業賞など受賞。


 IEICE has supported the progress of the Information and Communication Technology (ICT), which is indispensable for our society, for one century. ICT is now widely penetrating in our life and society and its impact will become bigger and bigger for all the industries, including agriculture, education, medical science, psychology, and social activities. I would like to contribute that IEICE could contribute to the healthy and sustainable development of our society in the coming ICT x everything era, based on my experiences of a research engineer, a member of board of Company and the president of Public Interest Incorporated Foundation.


 Masatoshi Suzuki is Principal Research Engineer of KDDI Research, Inc., and President of KDDI Foundation in Tokyo, Japan, following Executive Vice President/Member of Board (2011-2016) of KDDI R&D Laboratories, Inc. and R&D Fellow (2007-2017) of KDDI Corporation. He is a Fellow of IEICE, IEEE and OSA, and a member of Japan Engineering Academy. He received B.E, M. E and Ph. D. degrees from Hokkaido University, 1979, 1981, and 1984. He joined KDD Research Laboratories (currently KDDI Research), Tokyo, Japan in 1984. He received the Best Paper Award, Achievement Award and Distinguished Achievement and Contributions Award, all from IEICE. He is also a recipient of Kenjiro Sakurai Memorial Prize, Hisoka Maejima Award, Ichimura Prize in Industry for Distinguished Achievement, Minister Award on Science and Technology from MEXT, Minister Award of Advanced Technology from METI, and Medal with purple ribbon from Japan (2017).

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