電子情報通信学会 ロゴ

■ 中山 正敏:Masatoshi NAKAYAMA




 1988年東北大学理学研究科博士前期課程了.1991年同大工学研究科博士後期課程了.工学博士.同年,三菱電機(株)に入社.以来,同社電子システム研究所,情報技術総合研究所,高周波光デバイス製作所などにおいて,主にマイクロ波のデバイス,増幅器,送受信機などの開発に従事.現在,三菱電機(株)情報技術総合研究所 光電波・通信技術部門 主管技師長. 英文論文誌C編集委員(2002-2005),会誌編集委員(2005-2007),ELEX編集委員(2006-2009),マイクロ波研究会幹事(2007-2009),東京支部会計幹事(2016-2018).電子情報通信学会,IEEEシニア会員.


 The IEICE has great records that our seniors have built up for 100 years, although the Institute has many issues to be solved for next generation in response to changing social environment and requirements. One of the major roll of the Institute is a providing opportunity of research result presentation and technical information exchanges. It is still important, but the importance of another roll, a providing opportunity of information exchange and collaboration with the different technical/business field organizations, is growing. In addition, support programs for personal development are desired, not only for student members but also for working generation and senior members.
 Some new policies which have been discussed in past several years will be put into practice. For example, the technical committee workshops management, member-ship services. In next several years, these new policies should be run smoothly and should be verified. It would be my pleasure if I could contribute to the IEICE through the service of accounting affairs.


 Masatoshi Nakayama is a Chief Engineer of Information Technology R&D Center of Mitsubishi Electric Corporation. He received the M.S. degree in physics from Tohoku University in 1988, and the D.E. degree in electric engineering from Tohoku University in 1991. In 1991, he joined the Mitsubishi Electric Corporation, where he has been engaged in the research and development of microwave circuits and devices. He served as an associate editor of IEICE Trans. on Electronics, an associate editor of the Journal, an associate editor of ELEX, a secretary of Microwaves Technical committee and a treasurer of Tokyo section. He is a senior member of IEICE and IEEE.

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