電子情報通信学会 ロゴ

■ 長谷山 美紀:Miki HASEYAMA




1988年北海道大学大学院工学研究科修士課程修了。応用電気研究所助手、工学部助教授を経て、2006年より大学院情報科学研究科教授、現在に至る。また、2013年より総長補佐、2017年より数理・データサイエンス教育研究センター長。1995年〜1996年米国ワシントン大学客員准教授。専門は、画像・音響・音楽・映像・テキスト・Web・生体情報等のマルチメディア情報処理。2008年電子情報通信学会論文賞受賞。2012年電子情報通信学会調査理事、2011年映像情報メディア学会副会長。総務省情報通信政策局 情報通信審議会専門委員、文部科学省 科学技術・学術審議会 研究計画・評価分科会委員、国土交通省 国土審議会 北海道開発分科会委員、北海道総合通信局 ICT活力推進会議 座長、北海道科学技術審議会委員を務める。日本学術会議連携会員。


The working-age population in Japan peaked in 1995 at 87 million and has been falling ever since. It fell to 77 million in 2015 and is estimated to fall to 45 million in 2065. Furthermore, the percentage of the population aged over 65 years is estimated to reach half of the total population in the same year. We are facing a super-aging society, which no other country has experienced. Although some people have a pessimistic view of this situation, the others recognize it as an opportunity for innovation. For instance, in Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which are 17 global goals set by the United Nations General Assembly in 2015, it is expected that progress in information and communication technologies (ICTs) will play an important role. The role of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (IEICE) will therefore become more important. In industrial fields supported by the IEICE, global business competition has increased. The role of the IEICE in society must become clearly recognized, and the IEICE must take actions for continuous improvement of membership services and academic activities by adapting to social changes. It is my great honor to be nominated as a candidate of General Affairs Director of the IEICE. If appointed, I will make efforts to establish smooth operations of the IEICE and make contributions to the advancement and improvement of IEICE activities by taking advantage of my experiences in research activities and human resource education and development activities.


Miki Haseyama completed the Master course of the Graduate School of Engineering, Hokkaido University in 1988. She was a research assistant at the Research Institute of Applied Electricity and an Associate Professor at the School of Engineering, Hokkaido University before becoming a Professor at the Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, Hokkaido University in 2006. Her research interests include multimedia processing of image, audio, music, video, text, Web, biological signals, etc. She received the IEICE “Best Paper Award” in 2008. She has been a Director of International Coordination and Publicity of IEICE and a Vice President of the Institute of Image Information and Television Engineers, Japan (ITE). She has also been an expert member of the Information and Communication Council, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, Japan and a member of the Science Council of Japan and other organizations.

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