電子情報通信学会 ロゴ

■ 安浦 寛人:Hiroto YASUURA


 21世紀に入って、情報通信技術が社会の制度や構造を根底から変えています。携帯電話やインターネットは新しい社会基盤となり、社会のあり方は急激に変化しています。情報通信技術は、新しいビジネスを創設し、教育や医療などの社会制度を変化させ、人々の生活様式さえも大きく変えようとしています。我が国の情報通信技術の研究者・教育者・技術者の基幹学会である本会は、技術と社会の調和を示す大きな社会的責任を負っていると考えます。社会と技術の方向性を明示し、 我が国の産業政策、科学技術政策、研究や教育のあり方について、専門家集団としての発信を続ける責務を負っていると考えます。国際化が進む中での新たな電子情報通信学会の使命を明確にし、学会の改革にも取り組みたいと思います。




 ICT (Information and Communication Technology) is a source of innovation of the present human society. Economical and social systems have been changed drastically by rapid growth and penetration of ICT to various social activities. Mobile devices and Internet are now the basic social information infrastructure covering the whole world and have made it flat. Usage of “Big Data” and “AI technology” accelerate the innovation, including creation of new businesses, and transformation of social structure and our life styles.
 Since IEICE is a leading professional society on ICT, we are heavily responsible to show the big picture of the future directions of harmonization of ICT and social systems. Our view should cover not only technological issues, but also solutions to various social problems including industrial revolutions, education and new social services. I will reform IEICE through redefinition of our missions in the context of globalization of this field.


 My backgrounds are Information Technology and Integrated Circuit Design. As a professor of Kyoto University and Kyushu University, I joined several big projects with industries and government such as Silicon Sea Belt project. I also have served as the vice president of IEICE and the president of ISS.

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