電子情報通信学会 ロゴ

■ 桑原 秀夫:Hideo KUWAHARA


 本学会を取り巻く環境は激変しており、技術分野の多様化、複雑化、研究開発環境のグローバル化などが急速に進展していることはご承知の通りです。最近の話題のAI, IoT, Big Data, Power Grid,自動運転等の分野は、従来の一つの技術領域に止まらず広い分野に亘っています。新しい動向に対応していくためには、従来の本学会の領域だけではなく、他の関係学会とも連携を深める必要があるかもしれません。またインターネットの普及に伴うグローバル化により情報が世界中を瞬時に飛び交う時代に、学生や研究者にとって高い魅力が感じられる学会活動を目指し、人材資源を強化し、情報を発信し続けていくことができるよう微力ながら尽力いたします。




As is known, the environment surrounding IEICE is rapidly changing, and our technology area is rapidly developing with increased diversity, complexity and globalization. Recent topical buzz words, such as AI, IoT, big data, power-grid, automatic driving, are relating wide technology areas beyond conventional area of IEICE. To cope with those trends IEICE may be requested to strengthen the collaboration with other relating academic societies. In the age when information is spreading worldwide instantly with growth of the Internet, I will do my best IEICE to be an attractive institute for students and young researchers, aiming to strengthen human resources and continuous submission of information.


Bachelor, Master and PhD in Engineering from the University of Tokyo in 1972, 1974 and 1984, respectively. Entered Fujitsu in 1974, and engaged in R&D of optical fiber communication systems. In Fujitsu Laboratories Ltd, Member of the Board in 2004, Fellow in 2006, and Honorary Fellow in 2017. In the IEICE, Fellow, served as Member of the Boards, auditor, and recipient of Achievement Award. In the IEEE, Life Fellow, served as President of Photonics Society, Fellow Committee and other activities.

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