電子情報通信学会 ロゴ

■ 今井 浩:Hiroshi IMAI




 略歴:東大計数1981年卒、情報工学1986年修了、工学博士。1986年九大情報工学助教授を経て、1990年より東大情報科学、現在同コンピュータ科学教授。JST ERATO今井量子計算機構プロジェクト総括責任者(2000-2011年)。


IEICE has celebrated the centennial anniversary, and is now pursuing the coming fruitful century for this institute by bringing new innovations in the field of ICT. IEICE currently consists of five societies and one group, each of which is actively promoting ICT to achieve respective missions. Also, unifying and harmonizing those individual activities inside the whole institute, new fields will be produced to bring higher-level ICT to the society. Based on experiences as Director, Journal and Transactions and President, Engineering Sciences Society, I went through two aspects inside IEICE, one deepening each field of ICT vertically and the other, bridging horizontally those fields with sharing common infrastructure of this institute. If elected, I will challenge promoting scientific and technological activities by combining these vertical and horizontal approaches.


Previous appointments in IEICE: President, Engineering Sciences Society as IEICE Director, Director of Journal and Transactions, Secretary of Planning Committee, Editor-in-Chief of IEICE Transaction of Fundamentals (both English/Japanese ones), IEICE ESS Fundamentals Review, ISS General Secretary.
Biography: B. Eng. and D. Eng. from the University of Tokyo, 1981 and 1986, respectively. Associate Professor at Kyushu University from 1986, moved to the University of Tokyo in 1990, and now a professor in computer science there. JST ERATO Quantum Computation and Information Project Leader during 2000-2011.

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