電子情報通信学会 ロゴ

■ 中沢 正ヘ:Masataka NAKAZAWA


芭蕉は「不易流行」が俳句の基本であると説いています。すなわち絶対に変わらないものと、時代とともに変わりその最先端を追うものとからなるということですが、これは学会活動にも通ずるものがあると思います。今日の電子情報通信学会においても不変的な基盤技術の上に、IoT, Big-data, AIなどのいろいろな新技術が花開いています。そして今日、通信は社会生活に不可欠なものになっています。しかし、情報通信が発展する一方で、本学会では会員離れや収益の減少が起こっています。IEEEのようにはうまく回っていません。本学会も今までとは違う立ち位置が求められており、学会の存在意義・求められる機能・日本の産業力強化のための施策などに関する真剣な討議と決断が必要でしょう。私は「日本から世界に情報を発信しよう」を合言葉に、会員の、会員による、会員のための信学会を目指し、全力を尽くしていきたいと思います。


1980年東工大電子システム博士修了。同年電電公社入社。NTTR & Dフェローを経て2001年東北大学電気通信研究所教授。2010年同研究所長。本学会、IEEE、OSA、応用物理学会フェロー、元本会エレクトロニクスソサイエティ会長、総務理事、副会長、IEEE Photonic SocietyおよびOSA 元理事。本会論文賞、業績賞、功績賞、並びに紫綬褒章、日本学士院賞など受賞。


The poet Basho considered “immutability and fluidity” to be the fundamental principles behind a haiku. In other words, a haiku combines an absolutely unchangeable basis (immutability) with advanced characteristics that change with time (fluidity). This is somewhat analogous to the principles of academic societies. Even in IEICE today, IoT, bigdata, and AI are blooming while their roots are buried in unchangeable information technologies. And communication is no longer just communication; it has become a fundamental feature of daily life. However, as the information society has matured, IEICE has experienced a decrease in its membership and corresponding budget. IEICE is wilting as IEEE flourishes. I think that our society must be urged to move to a new stage, and should be required to undertake serious discussions and make important decisions as regards the meaning of the society’s existence, its expected functions, and a new policy to strengthen Japanese industries. At the same time, we should keep in mind that our members are expected to be active in transmitting the information they have obtained from Japan to societies throughout the world. I will do my best to confront the difficulties facing the IEICE on behalf of all its members.


Masataka Nakazawa received his Ph.D. degree from the Tokyo Institute of Technology in 1980. He then joined the Ibaraki Electrical Communication Laboratory of Nippon Telegraph & Telephone Public Corporation. He became a professor of the RIEC at Tohoku University in 2001 and became the director in 2010. He has received many awards from the IEICE including 5 best paper awards, 2 achievement awards and the distinguished achievement and contributions award, the Purple Ribbon Medal from the Emperor in 2010, and the Japan Academic Prize in 2013. Dr. Nakazawa is a Fellow of the IEICE, IEEE, OSA, and JSAP.

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