電子情報通信学会 ロゴ

■ 堀 修:Osamu HORI


昭和61年名古屋大学大学院・工学研究科・博士前期課程修了。同年、(株)東芝 総合研究所入社。機械学習・画像処理技術の研究開発に従事。平成6年メリーランド大学 Center for Automation Research 客員研究員。平成15年4月、研究開発センター マルチメディアラボラトリー室長。平成27年4月、研究開発センター 所長(現在に至る)。工学博士。本学会、平成20年情報・システムソサイエティ活動功労賞、平成21年情報システム・ソサイエティ査読功労賞 受賞。

Industry-academia collaboration and open innovation are typical words nowadays. This is because that it is difficult for a private company keep up with the speed of global competition recently. A private company has a mission to solve social issues through business activities, while academia has a major role to research advanced technologies and develop human resources who has acquired them. An industry-academia collaboration means such interpolation relationships, and open innovation enables private companies to procure their necessary technologies from academia. Therefore, IEICE should be a meeting place for the society members of researchers and engineers from universities and private companies, and it is necessary to have a meaningful discussion between each other in this place. I would like to make such a meeting place where members feel attractive. I am very happy if I can contribute to this society as a member in the industry-side.

Osamu Hori received his M.E. and PhD degrees in information engineering from Nagoya University in 1986 and in 2000, respectively. He was a visiting researcher of the Center for Automation Research of University of Maryland from 1994 to 1995. He has been working for Toshiba Corporation since 1986, where he has been engaged in research and development activities in the field of machine learning and image processing. He was the senior manager at Toshiba Corporation's Multimedia Laboratory from 2003 to 2005. He has been the Director of the Corporate Research & Development Center since 2015. He received IEICE Distinguished Contributions Award and Distinguished Reviewer Award, in 2008 and in 2009, respectively.


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