電子情報通信学会 ロゴ

■ 石川 悦子:Etsuko ISHIKAWA

温暖化、少子高齢化といった社会問題に対して、ICT、小売、自動車、電力・ガス、建設機械などの異業種連携で取組み、情報ビジネス化に向けた新たなバリューチェーンが構築されようとしています。ICT技術はその中核に位置し、より一層の技術革新が期待されています。 革新のために、女性など異なる視点や分野を異とする専門家を取込むことが論じられていますが、女性研究者・エンジニアや女性リーダの育成は喫緊の課題の一つであり、また扱う問題のすそ野の広さから、理系のみならず文理系出身の研究者・エンジニアの数を増やす必要もあります。 私は材料研究者からキャリアをスタートし、フォトニクスデバイス/システム研究・開発の経験を経て、ネットワークのもたらす価値戦略や商品企画を統括する責任者としてキャリアを積みましました。幅広い技術・業務に携わった経験を生かし、ICTの携わる研究者・エンジニアのすそ野を広げ、社会問題の解決に向けたICTの発展を本学会から発信し、技術革新・ビジネス革新に貢献していきたい所存です。


A new value chain for the approach and the information business making starts being constructed to the social issue like global warming and the low birth rate and longevity, etc. with the different business type cooperation such as ICT, retail, car, power, gases, and construction machineries. ICT is located in the kernel, and a further technological innovation is expected.
To innovate, it is discussed to take the specialist opinions of different fields, and different perspective such as female. The promotion of the female researcher & the engineer, and the female reader is one of the pressing issues. And it is necessary to increase not only the science course but also the number of the researcher and engineer of the sentence science course because the handling problems have wide skirts.
I started the career from the material researcher, and build the career as the supervisory technician on optical transport system and photonic network, and the person in charge of product planner. I will promise and send message of the development of ICT for the solution of the social problem from this academic society, and to contribute to the technological innovation and the business innovation based on the experience of involved in a wide technology and the operation.

I received Master degree in 1988 from Tsukuba University. I then joined HOYA Corporation. I engaged in the researcher of the functionality of Glass & Device. In 2000, I joined Fujitsu Laboratories as researcher of a photonic network. From 2005, I led in the engineer and planner of transport system and network products as vice president. OHM Technology Award winning in 2001


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