電子情報通信学会 ロゴ

■ 喜多 泰代:Yasuyo KITA


1982年、筑波大学第三学群基礎工学類卒、同年、産総研の前身である電子技術総合研究所に入所。医用画像解析、ロボットビジョンの研究に従事。1992年工博(大阪大学)。1997年英国オックスフォード大学客員研究員。現在、産業技術総合研究所知能システム研究部門上級主任研究員、筑波大学連携大学院客員教授。日本学術会議連携会員、IAPR Education Committee、Springer Machine Vision and Applications編集委員など。本会では、調査理事、ISS技術会議幹事、男女共同参画委員など。1989年情処学術奨励賞、2004年ISS活動功労賞、2005年信学会論文賞受賞。IEICE フェロー。

In addition to those Cloud services that enable high-performance and huge storage at the individual level, the latest equipment related to information technology is also available on a personal level as shown in the current popularity of the Kinect devices, 3D printers, and drones. Such movements might drastically change the framework where only giant institutes lead a new era of information technology. Under such circumstances, there are greater and greater expectations for the IEICE to outline the future direction of the information technology for a sustainable and peaceful world. I would be very happy to be able to support the activities and human resource developments for producing new information paradigm through the services of financial affairs.

Yasuyo Kita received a B.S. degree from the Engineering Science Course, University of Tsukuba, in 1982 and a D.Eng. degree from Osaka University in 1992. After joining the Electrotechnical Laboratory, she has been engaged in research on computer vision, focusing on medical image analysis and robot vision. She was a visiting researcher at the Medical Vision Group, Oxford University in 1997. She is now a chief senior researcher in the Intelligent Systems Research Institute, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology and a Professor (Cooperative Graduate School Program) of Graduate School of Systems and Information Engineering, University of Tsukuba. She was awarded the Best Paper Awards from IEICE and ISS Distinguished Achievement Award. She is a Fellow of the IEICE.


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