電子情報通信学会 ロゴ

■ 大石 進一:Shin'ichi Oishi



ICT plays a fundamental role in every hi-technology. Further, it is also needed for every future technology. Especially, ICT plays essential role to use limited earth resources appropriately so as to maintain it for a long-long term. It is also a key technology for keeping and creating happiness of all people while maintaining earth biodiversity. IEICE has played an important role of creating splendid circumstances for supporting research activities in ICT area for a long period. The IEICE should activate these functions still more. In other words, the IEICE should further appeal and tell stories concerning attractive-nesses of ICT to a youth. The IEICE should further contribute to create worldwide splendid research communication environment of ICT. For such purposes, I will do my best.

In 1981, Shin’ichi Oishi has graduated Doctorial course, Waseda University and received Dr. of Engineering Degree (Waseda University). From 1980, he has engaged in Waseda University. From 1989, he has been a Professor at Waseda University. During 2010-2014, he had been the dean of School of Fundamental Science and Engineering. From 2014, he has been the senior dean of Faculty of Science and Engineering, Waseda University. In the IEICE, he has served as a President of the Engineering Science Society, Director of Conferences, Student Activities and Education, Editor-in-Chief of NOLTA, IEICE and so on. He has awarded 3 times the Best Paper Awards, the Inose Award, and the Best Paper Award of NOLTA, IEICE. He is a Fellow of IEICE. He is author of 11 books including Circuit Theory (Corona Publishing Co., LTD.). He edited two Handbooks (Simulation Handbook (Corona Publishing Co., LTD.) and Applied Mathematics Handbook (Asakura Publishing Co., LTD.)). In 2012, he has given the Medal of Honor, Purple Ribbon from Japanese Government.


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