
■ 保田 佳之:Yoshiyuki Yasuda



Feature phones are rapidly migrating toward smartphones. Known as “showrooming” phenomenon became prominent in the habit of customer internet shopping. As in these examples, our society continue to change. It is certain that the ICT technology is driving the force beyond, but on the other hand, decrease in the popularity of students for the ICT industry and the IEICE itself are also a deep concern. In order to develop prosperous sound society, nurturing human resources with correct insight into the ICT is inevitable and essential. Therefore the importance of the IEICE activities are greatly increasing. This time, it is a great honor being nominated as a candidate of Director in Conferences, Student Activities and Education, I would like to moreover contribute to the development of the IEICE, believing that the ICT deploying fundamental technology leading other industries.

 Yoshiyuki Yasuda received the B.E. degree from Sophia University in1984. Same year he joined NTT. He engaged in research and development of mobile satellite communications, control equipment of PDC, W-CDMA, IP based RAN, and LTE systems. Currently general manager of radio network division in DOCOMO Technology, Inc. He received the best paper award from the IEICE in 1986.


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