
■ 石田  亨:Toru Ishida



I was a research scientist at NTT Laboratories until 1993, and I have been a professor of Kyoto University since then. I have been working on establishment of Kyoto University Design School. I am a fellow of IEEE, IPSJ, and IEICE, a 2011 President of IEICE Information and Systems Society (IEICE-ISS), a research supervisor of JST PRESTO Information Environments and Humans, and a member of Science Council of Japan.

The impact of ICT in our society has vastly increased. At the same time, however, it seems that ICT R&D is facing difficulties in drawing a scenario to keep its influence in future society. This is because rapid ICT advances have blurred the relation between technology and society: people cannot simply believe further development increases human happiness. To draw a better scenario, we need to revise industry-academia relationships both in R&D and human resource development. I believe that IEICE can create new relations, and hope to contribute to its activities.


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