電子情報通信学会 IECE

■ 鎌部 浩:Hiroshi KAMABE




1982年豊橋技科大・工・情報卒.同年,三重大・工学部助手,1996年三重大・講師.1998年岐阜大・工・応情・講師,助教授,准教授を経て,2010年から岐阜大・工・教授.現在にいたる.本学会シニアメンバー.これまでに,FR誌編集委員会幹事,英文論文誌(EA)編集委員,英文論文誌特集号編集委員長,情報理論研究専門委員会委員長,2013年総合大会現地実行委員会委員長,情報理論とその応用サブソサイエティ長,和文論文誌(JA)編集委員長,ISITA2020 TPC Chair,基礎・境界ソサイエティ会長などを務めた.現在,基礎・境界ソサイエティ編集長.


The Institute of Electronics, Information, and Communication Engineers (IEICE) has made significant contributions to the development of the field of electronics, information, and communications in terms of academic progress, research and development, education and human resource development, etc.
In the future, the industrial and social structure is expected to change more significantly and rapidly than ever due to changes in the global environment and the penetration of artificial intelligence-related technologies into society.
To continue to make even more significant contributions in this situation, it is necessary to continue disseminating the content created by IEICE globally. Some of the journals have been made open-access, and the multilingualization of journals and other publications is also progressing, making it even easier for users overseas to access them.
I want to contribute to IEICE's publishing business, leveraging my experience editing academic and society journals.


Prof. Hiroshi Kamabe : received the B.E. and M.E. degrees from Toyohashi University of Technology in 1982 and 1924, respectively. He received the Ph.D. from Nagoya University in 1996. He joined Mie University in 1982 and Gifu University in 1998. Since 2010, he has been a professor at Gifu University. He was a vice dean of faculty of engineering. He is a senior member of IEICE. He served as an associate editor of IEICE Trans. Fundamentals(EA), an editor of Fundamentals Review, a chief editor of a special issue of the transaction, a chair of IEICE technical committee of Information Theory, a chair of the local steering committee of 2013 IEICE General Conference at Gifu,the chair of SITA Sub-society, the chief editor of IEICE Trans. Fundamentals(Japanese Edition), a chair of TPC of ISITA2020 and a president of IEICE ESS.

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