電子情報通信学会 IEICE

■ 斎藤 英雄:Hideo SAITO




1992年慶大院理工学研究科博士課程電気工学専攻修了.博士(工学).同年より慶大理工学部助手,専任講師,助教授を経て2006年より教授.1997~99 Carnegie Mellon University訪問研究員.コンピュータビジョンと複合現実感等のメディア技術への応用に関する研究に従事.ISS副会長(技術会議担当),パターン認識メディア理解(PRMU)研究専門委員会幹事,副委員長を歴任.平成26年度ISS活動功労賞.FIT2017プログラム委員長,FIT2022現地実行委員長.映像情報メディア学会副会長(2020~2021年度),国際会議では,MVA Organization Chair, ISMAR Steering Committee, ACCV2014 Program Co-Chair,EuroVR2020 Scientific Program Chair等を務めた.本会フェロー,日本バーチャルリアリティ学会フェロー.IEEEシニアメンバ, 情報処理学会シニアメンバ.


The mechanisms for publishing, sharing, and evaluating research results, which are an important part of the society, have changed dramatically with the advent of major preprint servers, the open accessibility of online journals, and the emphasis on rating journals and international conferences. In addition, the change in lifestyle due to COVID-19 requires a major change in the way of holding conferences. I see this situation as a good opportunity to review and strengthen the Society's academic functions, and I would like to contribute to the development of information and communication technology by working on the changes. I would like to mainly accelerate the new way of organizing TC meetings to adapt the diverse needs of participants in recent years and would also like to support the management of each TC to respond flexibly to the diverse circumstances. Regarding the publication and the conference of IEICE, we will work to create an attractive event that maximizes the satisfaction of each member of IEICE based on close information sharing and mutual understanding among the societies and groups of IEICE.


Hideo Saito received his Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from Keio University, Japan, in 1992. Since then, he has been on the Faculty of Science and Technology, Keio University, where he has been a full professor since 2006. From 1997 to 1999, he joined Carnegie Mellon University as a visiting researcher. His recent activities for academic conferences include being the MVA Organization Chair, ISMAR Steering Committee, ACCV2014 Program Co-Chair, and EuroVR2020 Scientific Program Chair. His research interests include computer vision and pattern recognition, and their applications to augmented reality, virtual reality, and human robotics interaction. He is a Fellow of IEICE, a Fellow of Virtual Reality Society of Japan (VRSJ), and a Senior Member of IEEE, and a Senior Member of IPSJ.

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