電子情報通信学会 IEICE

■ 古神 義則:Yoshinori KOGAMI




宇都宮大・工・基盤工学科教授.主にマイクロ波・ミリ波帯の誘電体共振器応用に関する研究に従事.本会では、エレクトロニクスソサイエティ研究技術会議技術渉外幹事、エレクトロニクスソサイエティ総務幹事、APMC国際会議国内委員会委員長、マイクロ波研究専門委員会委員長、電磁波基盤技術領域委員会委員長を歴任。現在、APMC 2022実行委員長。


The influence of the COVID-19 outbreak has been significant for our academic activity in recent years. Most of the conferences have been held virtually with some inconveniences. We are looking forward to live events and face to face hot discussions. The COVID-19 has not been settled in from the global perspective. The steering committee will have to make a difficult decision and have to take a great care for it. Our society has been started for the of the operating organization of the academic events. It is very important that these attempts are verified, improved and continued.
On the other hand, our society is faced with the decreases in membership, especially from companies. It may be important to take drastic measures for this issue in the new normal. I will do my best for revitalizing our ES, which has a responsibility for electronics techniques developments. with all of you.


was born in Tokyo, Japan, in 1964. He received the B.E., M.E. degrees in electrical engineering, and Ph.D. from Saitama University in1988, 1990, and 1993, respectively. In 1993, he joined in the department of electrical and electronic engineering, Utsunomiya university as a research associate. He is professor at the same university. His research interests are in microwave and millimeter wave dielectric resonators and their applications. In IEICE, he is chairing the technical committee on Microwaves, electromagnetic-wave related technologies committee group, and APMC 2022 steering committee.

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