電子情報通信学会 IEICE

■ 中里 秀則:Hidenori NAKAZATO




1982年早稲田大学理工学部卒業。同年沖電気工業(株)入社。1987年から1993年 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign、1989年 修士課程修了、1993年 博士課程修了、M.S、Ph.D.。2000年より 早稲田大学教授。コンテンツ指向ネットワーク、分散処理システム、実時間システムに興味をもつ。本会フェロー。学会活動としては、IEEE MGA IT Coordination and Oversight Committee委員、 IEEE Region 10 Secretary、 IEEE ComSoc Tokyo Joint Chapter Chair、IEEE Region 10 Section/Chapter Coordinator、本会通信方式研究会委員長、通信ソサイエティ編集長、通信ソサイエティ編集臨時幹事、英文論文誌B編集副委員長などを務めた。


The Internet has changed the role of academic societies due to its effortless global data exchange capability. For example, academic journals used to be published by academic societies are published commercially in some cases. Now we have on-line journals and some are accessible for free. Researchers have much more opportunities to publish their research results. Other than journal publications, new opportunities such as archives and communities appear in addition to the traditional conferences. In such a fast-changing environment, Communications Society need to develop new services valuable to its customers including researchers and companies, in addition to journal publications and conferences. I am going to contribute to the future of Communications Society by initiating the actions to find a new service as an academic society for the field of communications in Japan.


Hidenori Nakazato received his B. Engineering degree Waseda University in 1982 and his MS and Ph.D. degrees in computer science from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 1989 and 1993, respectively. He was with Oki Electric from 1982 to 2000. Since 2000, he has been a Professor at Waseda University. His research interests include information centric networking, distributed systems, and real-time systems. He served as IEEE MGA IT Coordination and Oversight Committee member, IEEE Region 10 Secretary, IEEE ComSoc Tokyo Joint Chapter Chair, IEEE Region 10 Section/Chapter Coordinator, IEICE Technical Committee on Communication Systems Chair, IEICE-CS Editorial Board Chair, and Editor of IEICE Transactions on Communications including others.

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