電子情報通信学会 IEICE

■ 村松 正吾:Shogo MURAMATSU




1993年都立大・工・電気卒、1995年都立大院・工・電気修士了。1998年博士(工学)。1997年都立大・助手。現在,新潟大・教授。本会にて、英文論文誌(EA)分野編集幹事、信号処理研専委員長、ESS副会長(システムと信号処理サブソサイエティ長)、ITC-CSCC2017 TPC Co-chair、ITC-CSCC2021 General Co-chairを歴任。本会シニア。


Humankind has been freeing itself from the constraints of time and space by evolving and integrating science and technology. On the other hand, our daily lives are threatened by environmental problems stemming from energy resources. In addition, infectious diseases are spreading. ICT is expected to be a means to solve many problems in order to break down the barriers between the real and virtual worlds. The development of science and technology is accelerating, and the issues that ICT needs to address are endlessly expanding. At the same time, the research community is fragmented, and there is sometimes little interaction among researchers, even though they are in close areas. Looking at the field of ICT in Japan, it is hard to say that researchers and engineers are able to perform at their full potential. Our resources are limited. Therefore, we need to promote efficiency while cultivating new fields through exchanges with other research communities, different fields, and generations. I would like to contribute to the management of ESS, which has a significant role to play due to the diversity of academic fields.


Shogo MURAMATSU received B.E., M.E., and Ph.D. degrees in electrical and electronic engineering from Tokyo Metropolitan University in 1993, 1995, and 1998, respectively. He joined Tokyo Metropolitan University as a Research Associate in 1997. He is currently a Professor at Niigata University. In IEICE, he was an area editor of IEICE Trans. on Fundamentals(EA), a chair of Technical Committee on Signal Processing, a vice-chair of ESS (a chair of System and Signal Processing Subsociety), TPC Co-chair of ITC-CSCC2017 and General Co-chair of ITC-CSCC2021. He is a Senior Member of IEICE.

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